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swaminathan venkataraman

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Sri Swaminathan Namaste,


Excellent idea concerning Orissa relief. I also find most impressive,

the fact, that the sponsors are Indian ! Do you have any idea how that warms the

heart? Indians helping Indians....Sri Swami Vivekanandaji would be so proud and

happy to see this latter day manifestation of his tireless efforts among the

peoples of the Indian Subcontinent, to 'get out and do something'... " emulate the

west...watch how they do things. Learn from them, but, in the secretest of

secret places in your hearts,

remain what you are. If you be a Hindu, then be a good Hindu, a Mussalman, then

a good one, and so on.... "



!Om Sri Narendranath Om Sri Swami Vivekananda Om!


Here is an idea for those who have webpages:


Please visit my page @ http://www.freeyellow.com/members6/paramahamsadeva/


And scroll down the page, until you see the 'rotating picture box'

containing photos of the disaster in Orissa. Just 'right click'

on the box and 'save' it on your hard-drive.


Then proceed to your own page and insert the following HTML fragment anywhere on

your site:





<img src= " ani.gif " height=140 width=140 ></center>



<center><font size= " 4 " ><a href= " http://www.causeanaffect.org/ " >Donate FREE

food to victims of recent Cyclone in Orissa, India</center></font></a>





Om shanthi om


PS: Oooops! I almost forgot to mention: Don't forget to UPLOAD the

image to your website File manager





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