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~~~~~~om shanthi om ~~~~~~




Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.149


Saturday 27/11/99


The Master Said:


" All trouble and botheration comes to an end when the 'I' dies.

You may indulge in thousands of reasonings,

but still the 'I' doesn't disappear. For people like you and me,

it is good to have the feeling, 'I am a lover of God.' "


om tat sat



~~~~~~om shanthi om ~~~~~~


Extrait du Gospel de Sri Ramakrishna p.149


Samedi 27/11/99


Le Maitre Dit:


" Quand 'le moi' meurt, tous les agitations et ennui se termine.

Vous pouvez vous contenter aux milliers des raisonnements,

mais, pourtant 'le moi' ne disparait pas. Pour des personnes

commes nous, il est convenable d'avoir le

sentiment, 'je suis un amoureux de Dieu.' "



om tat sat



~~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~~







" Shankar " <shankar

Some Practical Hints on 'Karma Yoga'


'Perpetual renunciation of

Optional Courses of Action'


In 'Saankya Yogaa' of the Gita

(in the commentary by Aadhi

Shankaraachaarya), the

'perpetual renunciation of the

optional courses of action',

is mentioned. That is, that

course of action that is not

in line with one's

'swabhaavaa' and 'swadharmaa',

ought 'always' to be

renounced, by remaining alert

'all-the-time' to 'thus'

scrupulously exercise one's

power of discrimination.


Thus, one becomes left with

only those courses of action

that are in line with one's

'swabhaavaa' and 'swadharmaa'.


There is another way in which

one can arrive at the same



" One's Noble Desire to be

presented only with the

'Inevitable Choice' " will

definitely be fulfilled


Suppose one prays to the

Divine Mother for bringing

before oneself, only those

courses of action that one is

'ordained by Her Will to

inevitably end up performing'.

In the Gospel of the Holy

Mother, the Holy Mother says

that 'one's noble desires will

definitely be fulfilled'.


When one actually does this,

one finds that the Divine

Mother's Force re-aligns

'mysteriously' the

'circumstances bearing out for

oneself multiple optional

courses of action', thus

effectively 'excising' all the

optional courses of action,

other than the 'one' out of

them, which alone oneself is

'destined' to do.


For, the Divine Mother is the

'Great Doer' of all actions

and we are all Her



Thus, having 'found out' or

'arrived at' as above, the

course of action that one has

to adopt, one can engage in

that action, without desire

for fruits of action and as an

offering to the Divine Mother.


'Line of Least Resistance'

There is another very

practical and extremely useful

'hint' suggested by Swami


He talks about proceeding

along the 'Line of Least

Resistance', while one is

engaged in work. Thus, when

'obstacles' present themselves

in the way of our works, we

can continue our work, in

those lines along which we

find the 'least resistance'.


Thanks and kind regards





Shankarji...this is excellent ! I am going to take the liberty of

translating your thoughts into French for another couple of

Vedanta mailing lists.....Thank you for sharing this treasure

with us !








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