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Invitation... visit The Core website

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Dear Lists,


All are invited to visit The Core website. Below is a small sampling from

the site (the main pages are in question and answer format). Also, there

are links to many other sites on the Web related to Advaita in many of its

expressions, as well as a musical selection in RealAudio format. Here is

the URL:




You are invited to take Satsangh with the page author, and maybe to unlearn

a thing or two :-)


With Love and OM,



Q: What's the biggest obstacle to realization?


A: The idea that realization is some kind of extraordinary, unusual state

to be achieved. In actuality, the *exact opposite* is true. The entire

world is like a mental hospital, and those who are realized are the only

ones getting well. Yet we are trained almost from the moment of birth to

view the everyday world as 'normal,' and so anything that doesn't fit

within that framework is seen as extraordinary. This idea is incredibly

powerful and difficult to root out. It has to be accepted that this state

most of us are in right now is most unnatural, and that realization is

simply returning to the natural, right way of thinking and being. The world

is sick to the core, and only a few get well. Yet the mind persists in

thinking of duality as 'normal.' Even the culture in India, where saints

and gurus are venerated or worshipped, doesn't help in this -- in fact, it

makes it worse. There's no ready solution to this issue. See that

realization is not a state to be strived for or achieved, and that may be

enough. If not, then every single idea in the mind may have to go, along

with the mind itself. The mind must cease to operate entirely and with it

all ideas. Or, you may have to isolate from the world entirely so that your

ideas of 'normal' and 'abnormal' become fuzzy and weakly defined. Whatever

it takes, to get rid of this backward and wrong idea that realization is an

extraordinary state, and especially that it is a state to be achieved. You

already have it, but it is covered up with just such ignorant ideas as

'realization is unusual and for the few!'





" Many paths -- One truth "


Visit " The Core " Website at http://coresite.cjb.net -

Music, Poetry, Writings on Nondual Spiritual Topics.

Tim's other pages are at http://core.vdirect.net

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