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~~~~~~om shanthi om ~~~~~~




Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.150


Sunday 28/11/99


The Master Said:


" God reveals Himself in the form which His devotees loves most.

His love for the devotees knows no bounds.

It is written in the PurAna that God assumed the form of

RAma for His heroic devotee, HanumAn. "


om tat sat



~~~~~~om shanthi om ~~~~~~


Extrait du Gospel de Sri Ramakrishna p.150


Dimanche 28/11/99


Le Maitre Dit:


" Dieu s'indique avec la forme que ses passionnes aime le mieux.

Son amour pour les passionnes ne connait aucune limite.

Il est ecrit dans le PurAna que Dieu a assume la forme de RAma

pour son passionne heroique, HanumAn. "



om tat sat



~~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~~~






RE: Tim's last Posting from 'the Core'


1. 'The entire world is like a mental hospital, and those who are

realized are the only ones getting well'


2. 'The world is sick to the core [a little humour: I hope you are not

referring to your own website, here], and only a few get well'



Comment: Here is a quote from Sri Thakur, which may be




The Master Said:


" All will surely realize God. All will be liberated.

It may be that some get their meal in the morning,

some at noon, and some in the evening,

but none will go without food.

All, without any exception,

will certainly know the real Self. "


om tat sat






3. 'Yet we are trained almost from the moment of birth to

view the everyday world as 'normal,'





If your experience has been as described above, that is truly sad, Tim.

Personally, as a born Roman Catholic, I have been trained to

be 'in the world, but not OF the world'....and this knowledge

has been drummed into me from early childhood. Yes, 'drummed'

is the right word. I was taught by Irish Presentation Brothers

from the Emerald Isle, and they 'feared not' the vigourous

application of the strap to get their point across.


I am forever thankful for their teaching. They were indeed

unknowingly, following the instructions of Sri Thakur, who said:


" There are physicians of the highest class.

If the patient does not respond to their gentle persuasion,

they even exert force upon him.

If necessary, they press their knees on the patient's chest

and force the medicine down his throat.


Likewise, there are teachers of the highest class,

who even exert force to direct the mind of the pupil toward God. "


om tat sat






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