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~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~




Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.125


Wednesday, 1/12/99


The Master Said:


" First of all invoke the Deity, and then give lectures

to your heart's content. First of all dive deep.

Plunge to the bottom and gather up the gems.

Then you may do other things. But nobody wants to plunge.

People are without spiritual discipline and prayer,

without renunciation and dispassion.

They learn a few words and immediately start to deliver lectures.

It is difficult to teach others. Only if a man gets a command

from God, after realizing Him, is he entitled to teach. "


om tat sat



~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~



Extrait du Gospel de Sri Ramakrishna p.125


Mercredi, 1/12/99


Le Maitre Dit:


" Premierement, invoquez la divinite, et donnez ensuite les

conferences, autant que vous voulez. Premierement, il faut

plongez profondement. Plongez au bas, et recueillez des bijous

vers le haut. Apres cela, vous pouvez faire d'autres choses.

Mais personne ne veut plonger. Les gens manquent de la priere

et la discipline spirituelle, aussi de la renonciation et la


Ils apprennent quelques mots et commencent immediatement

a prononcer des conferences. Il est difficile d'enseigner

d'autres. Si un homme obtient une commande de

Dieu, apres la realisation de lui, seulement dans ce cas,

il a eu le droit d'enseigner. "



om tat sat



~~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~







Send this to a friend. We can all use a chuckle now and then.


LONDON (Reuters) - A Japanese company has stunned devotees of

Indian food by applying for a patent on curry, according to a

British Sunday newspaper.


The House Foods Corporation is trying to take out a patent on

the dish cooked every day by hundreds of millions of people on

the Indian subcontinent and which has become a favorite in restaurants

throughout Britain, India's former colonial ruler.



" Not content with taking over world markets for cars and

camcorders, entrepreneurs in the Land of the Rising Sun have developed a taste

for tikka masala, " The Independent on Sunday reported.



In application no 06090838 to the Japanese Patent Office, House

Foods lists two Japanese, Hirayama Makoto and Ohashi Sachiyo, as " inventors " of

curry, and gives a basic recipe for a curry

that would not impress connoisseurs, it said.



The newspaper said that under World Trade Organization rules the

men would, if their application succeeded, be able to claim

royalties on all curry and curry products entering Japan.



The Indian government views the application as

" a matter of concern " , the Independent said.




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