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The 'Terrible Hunter's Force' of the Divine Mother, Kali

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One of the '4' Ways in which

the Divine Mother's Force

works in this world, is like

that of a 'hunter'.


The majority of mankind,-the

'fourth' type of devotees,

referred to in the Bhagavad

Gita by Lord Krishna,-engaged

in the rather 'slow'

evolutionary general

progression (EGP) experience

this 'Terrible Hunter's Force'

of the Divine Mother, in an

'unexpected and shocking'

fashion, because this 'cracks'

the 'outer egoistic surface

mental shell', the outermost

layer of the many layers of

'onion', referred to by Sri

Ramakrishna (possibly even the

outermost 'skin' of onion, in

most cases). That is why,

'Mother Kali' is aptly

described as the 'Terrible



This also explains why there

is 'so much violence' in this

world. That is also why

'Surrender to the Divine

Mother' is advocated, instead

of the 'pursuit' of any virtue

including 'non-violence' as a

'mental ideal'.


During this period of slow

EGP, She organises the

movement of 'sense-objects' in

this world in such a way, that

these sense-objects 'somehow'

in the end, manage to 'elude'

the 'grab', for

sense-enjoyment, by the

'egoistic' outward-seeking



Thus, there is a 'sudden'

awakening of an 'overwhelming'


(a) of one's own 'utter or

sheer helplessness', and

(b) of 'a Supreme

All-Powerful Impersonal


(i) which is above

all personalities, and

(ii) yet which


(A) is not

only aware of all the

most-intimate workings of all


(b) but

also 'Rules' all those 'little

egoistically formulated

personalities' from within and

above them, by making these

personalities 'the many

centres', for 'effectively'

working out Its 'One

Omniscient Central Will'.

This is also what Swami

Vivekananda explained as the

'many links in one chain'.

Thus, the Divine Mother is at

once the 'Personal' and the



This is the 'piercing' of the

egositic surface mentality by

the 'Divine Mother's Trident'

or by the 'Hunter's Arrow'.

This is also the 'chief

preliminary' way in which the

Divine Mother 'enforces'

surrender to Her Force.


This is also seen in the way

Lord Shiva appeared as a

'hunter' and killed,-by

shooting an arrow at,-the

'pig' that came charging to

kill Arjuna, who was

performing 'Thapas' on Lord

Shiva to get



Incidentally, this is one main

method by which the majority

of mankind become

'twice-born', and which is

characterised by,-

(i) one's being

specifically disengaged from

the 'EGP' of the common

masses, and

(ii) one's being thrown

into a 'pipeline' for an

'occult' preparation for an

onward progression in

'spirituality' by

'consciously' engaging in a

'revolutionary individual

effort' (RIE) of yoga.


For some, this may happen to

'constitute' the occasion and

circumstance, for the 'sudden

awakening of the Serpent

Energy'. In such a case, one

may begin to perceive at least

dimly, (a) one's own

'aura', as being clearly

distinct from one's physical

body, and

(b) (i) the 'thought

process occurring outside

one's physical frame', and

(ii) not necessarily

in one's physical brain.


Also, one may begin to realise

the 'invasion' of thoughts

from 'others',

(i) who may happen

to be in one's company, or

(ii) whom, one may

choose to associate with.

Thus, there is 'sown' the

first seeds of a 'perpetual

discrimination',-at least as

respects the 'type' of

company, one must always

keep,-which is the most

essential faculty in an

earnest attempt to lead, and

progress in, a spiritual life.


Thanks and kind regards

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