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Cyclone in Orissa

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One of the parents of the Vivekananda Centre in London

(Champakbhai Parekh) has taken an initiative in trying to

do something for the people in Orissa. We are sending out

the message from Champakbhai on Sri Ramakrishna,

Vivekananda Lists and Advaita and Self Knowledge Lists

- hoping that his initiative will spur other list members to do

something similar in their own locality.


Surely this is what Vedanta is about!......................jay


(mail recd from Champakbhai)

Dear all,


Following a lack of national media coverage of the recent disastrous

Cyclone in Orissa, India,I decided to offer my services to travel to

Orissa and help out. After contacting DEC, Oxfam and Save

The Children, I was advised by them all that the best help I can

give the people and volunteers in Orissa is financial aid. While

I appreciate that many of us already donate to many charities,

in a variety of ways, the human scale of this disaster is such that,

I feel, it deserves special merit.


Some facts about the disaster:

Winds of up to 150 miles per hour tore into the region, and a tidal

wave 10 foot high swept all before it. It is estimated that at least

10 million people have been affected by the disaster,

two million made homeless and has killed up to 10,000.

Roads have been destroyed and bridges swept away.

Up to 1,500 villages are thoughtto have been destroyed,

and many others are being emptied as people leave to

look for food. Drinking water has been contaminated and

there are fears that disease will spread.

Already children have contracted diarrhoea, which can prove fatal

unless treated within days.


Although relief officials and villagers have cleared about 100,000 animal

carcasses, they still have to get rid of about 200,000 more.


The field mission report - published by the UN Disaster Assessment and

Co-ordination team - says that:


Nearly all means of earning a living - crops, livestock and fishing boats -

have been lost. Less than one in 20 people have proper sanitation

There has been massive destruction of homes, health centres and schools

There is widespread contamination of drinking water

Many affected areas can still only be reached by boat or air.


I have decided therefore to donate a proportion of my wages this

week towards the fund. I would also like you to sponsor me to help

ease the suffering in Orissa and help to rebuild the community.

As I'm sure you are aware every penny counts for

causes like this one and as a cause I feel strongly for both I and the

people and volunteers of DEC would be very grateful for any monies

you could donate.


DEC is an umbrella organisation which launches and

co-ordinates the National Appeal in response to a major

disaster overseas. It brings together a unique alliance of aid,

corporate, public and broadcasting sectors to rally the

nation's compassion,and ensure that funds raised go to those

charities best placed to bring effective and timely relief .

UK Registered Charity No 1062638



If you do choose to help then cheques can be sent/delivered to:


Champ Parekh

Ernst & Young

Rolls House

7 Rolls Buildings

Fetter Lane

Lintas House 3.39




Please make cheques payable to:



Collections will cease on the 10th December when this money will

be forwarded directly to Disaster Emergency Committee. You will be

given a receipt for your donation which is just a formality to ensure all

funds are accounted for correctly.


Thank you for taking your time to read this e-mail whatever you decide to

do. And a big thank you to the people who gave me courage to follow this on.



Champ Parekh champ_parekh

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