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Holiday Mood

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It appears that the list members are in a Holiday mood. And why not! The

Holy month of Christmas gives much awaited opportunity to relax and

contemplate, on the follies of past and their corrections in the coming

new year.

Best luck to all.


As far the concept of holiday is concerned, I try to give a new

dimension to its origin & interpretation:


To study a given phenomenon--

The Primordial Vastness in the form of Infinite Consciousness may be our

starting point. Or we may begin our study at the intermediary level of

human evolutionary phase. Pre-human, human and post-human stages are

necessary events in the cosmic cycle. Human being is a passing point on

the circumference of this circle, much the

same way the ‘primordial big bang’ was, and the ‘final collapse’ will

be. Whether scientists start their study from a 'pre-bang’ event or a

‘post-bang’ event they will have to accept the state of equilibrium in


Such a phase of equilibrium may be called as ‘Non-Modified Universal

Consciousness’. Its nature is such that it produces its own

modifications from One Substance, from itself and within itself. Similar

to a fruit that is formed from the same substance comprising of outer

shell, seeds, and inner pulp. We cannot reject anything (shell, seeds,

or the pulp), otherwise it will be a partial or incomplete study. At the

same time, individually or separately all the three structures can be

studied and elaborated upon as far as their peculiarities go.

Holidays should help us to attempt the study of a phenomenon in its

totality, and not as a chain of broken events.

Dr. C. S. Shah



E-magazine on science and spirituality. Visit:






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