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~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~



Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.156


Friday 24/12/99


The Master Said:


" A householder has his duties to discharge,

his debts to pay: his debt to the gods,

his debt to his ancestors, his debt to the rishis,

and his debt to his wife and children.

If a wife is chaste, then her husband should support her;

he should also bring up their children until they are of age.

Only a monk must not save; the bird and the monk do not provide

for the morrow. But even a bird provides when it has young.

It brings food in its bill for the chicks. "


om tat sat



~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~



Extrait du Gospel de Sri Ramakrishna p.156


Vendredi 24/12/99


Le Maitre Dit:


" Un chef de menage a ses fonctions a decharger, ses dettes

a payer: sa dette aux dieux, sa dette a ses ancetres,

sa dette aux rishis, et sa dette a son epouse et ses enfants.

Si une telle epouse est chaste, alors son mari devrait la supporter;

il devrait egalement faire nourrir leurs enfants

jusqu'a ce qu'ils soient eleve. Seulement un moine ne doit

pas mettre en reserve; l'oiseau et le moine ne prevoient

pas le lendemain. Mais, quand il a des jeunes, meme un oiseau,

fournit de l'entretien.

Il apporte la nourriture dans son bec pour les poussins. "



om tat sat



~~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~





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