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From Jody Top 10 Signs of Giftedness

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This came from Jody .....



The Top 10 Signs of Giftedness in Adulthood


The vast majority of adults who were labeled *gifted* in childhood

are unaware that their advanced development would continue to have an

impact throughout their lives. Contrary to popular belief, giftedness is

not characterized by high intelligence alone. Rather, gifted individuals

experience early and exceptional psychological, spiritual and

intellectual development. As a result, gifted adults exhibit common

personality traits and face similar challenges on the road to

self-actualization. Gifted adults demonstrate:


1. Qualitative Differences in Information Processing

Characterized by: unique perception and awareness; a sense of

humor and creativity outside the norm; questioning, searching for truth,

intuitiveness; insightfulness; comfort with both divergent thinking

(breaking things into components) and synergistic thinking (putting

things together to form something new and different); relentless

curiosity and heightened creative drive; being more process-oriented than

product-oriented; holding divergent

values compared to mainstream culture.



2. High Sensitivity

Characterized by: sensitivity to others often combined with a

sense of personal alienation and loneliness; acute awareness of

complexities and consequences; heightened responsivity to expectations of




3. Intensity

Characterized by: high excitability; high energy level;

emotional reactivity; high arousal of central nervous system (Kazimierz

Dabrowski Theory of Positive Disintegration).



4. Multipotentiality

Characterized by: having capabilities in many areas and domains

of talent; can move fluidly from one pursuit or interest to the next; the

ability to juggle many things at once.



5. Idealism

Characterized by: striving for moral integrity; interest in

social reform and service; extraordinarily high standards; low tolerance

for mediocrity and frustration.



6. Perfectionism

Characterized by: self-criticism; labeling oneself as

" scattered " ; having a lowered sense of entitlement to make mistakes;

identifying easily with failure; thinking they are more likely to blame

than others; difficulty taking credit for achievement and abilities

( " impostor " phenomena).



7. Need for Autonomy

Characterized by feelings of: being out of step and on a

separate path; being " Other " ; not fitting in; striving for inner

authenticity; may experience deep conflicts between needs for

self-actualization and maintaining traditional relationships.



8. Strong Entelechy (from Greek for *having a goal*)

Characterized by: the need for self-determination; for

self-actualization; leadership qualities; achievement-orientation;

interest in non-traditional careers and professions.



9. Intense Moral Commitment

Characterized by: seeing injustice and doing something about it;

willingness to stand up for one's beliefs; outrage at moral breaches that

the rest of the world seems to take for granted.



10. Global View

Characterized by respect for all human beings; a greater

capacity for empathy; concern for others--especially children;

sensitivity and warmth.





About the Submitter:

Submitted by Elyse Killoran, Personal Coach and Life Strategist who

specializes in work with Gifted Women., who can be reached at


Vivekananda Centre Site


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