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sutra + Swami Ramatirtha

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~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~



Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.162


Tuesday 4/1/00


The Master Said:


" Anger and lust cannot be destroyed. Turn them toward God.

If you must feel desire and temptation,

then desire to realize God, feel tempted by Him.

Discriminate and turn the passions away

from worldly objects.

When the elephant is about to devour a plaintain-tree

in someone's garden, the mAhut strikes

it with his iron-tipped goad. "


om tat sat



~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~


Extrait du Gospel de Sri Ramakrishna p.162


Mardi 4/1/00


Le Maitre Dit:


" La colere et le desir lascif ne peuvent pas etre detruites.

Tournez-les vers Dieu. Si vous devez sentir le desir et la

tentation, desirez ensuite de realiser le Dieu, Vous devez

vous sentir pour etre tentes par lui. Distinguez et tournez

les passions loins des objets mondaines.

Quand l'elephant est sur le point de devorer un bananier dans

le jardin de quelqu'un, le mAhut le frappe avec le fer de lance

de son aiguillon. "


om tat sat



~~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~~


RE: Practical Vedanta?


Message: 7

Sun, 2 Jan 2000 14:57:12 -0000

" Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

Ramatirtha Site


We have come across a site devoted to Swami Ramatirtha.

It contains purest Advaita Teachings. We have taken permission from the

webmaster to allow us to link to our site. If there are other similar sites

that the list members know of please let us know about them as we would


to add links to them.


Rarely have we come across such beautiful expressions of Adviata.

These expressions are not book learning - they come from someone who 'knows'

adviata first hand.


The site is Called 'Ramatirtha Site' and can be reached via our home page



or directly at: http://www.ramatirtha.org



Vivekananda Centre London


Namste Jay,


I visited the 'Ramatirtha Site' and copied the following text from

the biography of the Swami:



" The highest realisation of patriotism, Rama [swami Ramatirtha] believed,

lay in fully identifying yourself with the land of your birth. Remember his


" Tune yourself in love with your country and people " . Be a spiritual soldier.

Lay down your life in the interest of your land abnegating the little ego,

and having thus loved the country, feel anything and the country will feel with


March and the country will follow. This, indeed, is practical Vedanta. "



I am not sure, Jay, if 'tuning yourself in love with your country and people' is

not just another aspect of MAyA.


As Sri Ramakrishna said:


" Remember that dayA, compassion, and mAyA, attachment,

are two different things. Attachment means the feeling of

'my-ness' towards one's relatives.

Compassion is the love one feels

for all beings of the world.

It is an attitude of equality. MAyA also comes from God.

Through mAyA, God makes one seve one's relatives.

But one thing should be remembered:

mAyA keeps us in ignorance and entangles

us in the world, whereas dayA

makes our hearts pure and gradually unties our bonds. "


We will notice that Thakurji says: " for all beings of the WORLD " ,

not all beings of our own particular country. Nationalism

is not a friend of Sanatana Dharma.











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Hi Tom


I have studied the life and teachings of Swami Ramatirtha - I suggest you

try and get some books on his life. The life and message is truly exciting.

Sure he made patriotic remarks - so did Swami Vivekananda - they both felt

India needed a boost. Yet both are advaitin through and through.



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