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~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~



Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.164


Friday 7/1/00


The Master Said:


" Suicide is a heinous sin, undoubtedly.

A man who kills himself must return again

and again to this world and suffer

its agony. " But I don't call it suicide if a person

leaves his body after having the vision of God.

There is no harm in giving up one's body that way.

After attaining Knowledge some people give up their bodies.

After the gold image has been cast

in the clay mold, you may either preserve

the mold or break it. "


om tat sat


~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~


Extrait du Gospel de Sri Ramakrishna p.164


Vendredi 7/1/00


Le Maitre A indique:


" Assurement, le suicide est un peche honteux. Un homme

qui se detruit, faut retourner et souffrir l'agonie de ce monde

pour plusieurs reprises . " Mais je ne l'appelle pas le suicide,

si une personne laisse son corps, ayant ensuite la vision de Dieu.

Il n'y a aucun mal en quittant son corps de cette facon.

Apres avoir atteint la connaissance, certains renoncent a leurs corps.

Apres que l'image d'or ait ete moulee dans le moule d'argile,

vous pouvez preserver ou casser le moule. "


om tat sat


~~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~~




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