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Mother said +

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Source: " Spiritual Talks " ; page 9-10


Disciple: " Should I count when I do my Japa (mental repetition of Name

God)? "


Mother: " No, do it without counting, for counting often diverts the

attention from the Japa. "


Disciple: " How is it that Japa does not lead me deep into

God-absorption? "


Mother: " It will, by and by. But do not give up Japa even if the mind is

unwilling and unsteady. You must go on with the repetition. And you will

find that mind is getting gradually steadier -like a flame in calm air.

Any movement in the air disturbs the steady burning of the flame; even

so the presence of any thought or desire makes the mind unsteady. The

Mantra must be correctly repeated. An incorrect utterance delays

progress. A woman had for a part of her Mantra the word

" Rukmini-Nathaya " . But she would repeat it as " Ruku " . This impeded her

progress. But she got the correct Mantra afterwards through His grace. "



Dear List Friends,

Why this sudden drying up of the flow of mail Ganges!!!


Has everyone exhausted his or her spiritual treasure? Or, has the new

year introduced new interests in life?

No, No. I am not complaining. I do not feel anything odd also. It is

quite natural to lose interest in a thing after sometime.

Happy leisure time to all.


I am also taking some rest after typing this saying of Mother.


dr c s shah



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I went to visit one of the yogis who led me on the path to spirituality.

And i got a firing for not pronouncing the mantraas correctly.



> Disciple: " How is it that Japa does not lead me deep into

> God-absorption? "


> Mother: " It will, by and by. But do not give up Japa even if the mind is

> unwilling and unsteady. You must go on with the repetition. And you will

> find that mind is getting gradually steadier -like a flame in calm air.

> Any movement in the air disturbs the steady burning of the flame; even

> so the presence of any thought or desire makes the mind unsteady. The

> Mantra must be correctly repeated. An incorrect utterance delays

> progress. A woman had for a part of her Mantra the word

> " Rukmini-Nathaya " . But she would repeat it as " Ruku " . This impeded her

> progress. But she got the correct Mantra afterwards through His grace. "


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