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Abt Tantra - Part I

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I came across this article on Tantra....

Originally the article is in Hindi. I am translating it's contents in





It's through Tantra that we get the source of Shakti.


Such a time came that society forgot the real and root meaning of Tantra

and due to this reason society became powerless. This was the reason for

all the attrocities which the country had to bear and had to live under

the rule of foreigners for years. Shakti can be gained through Tantra,

this article tries to present this view.........



Lord shiva himself craeted Tantra and he himself created AGAM SHASTRA.

Agam Shastra contsins the descriptions about Tantra Saadhanaas and

Veda-Puraana has been categorised as Nigama Shaastra. Importance and need

of Shakti Saadhanaa is even more in Kaliyuga and that's why the necessity

arises to understand the governing rules of Tantra Saadhanaa.


In veda-shasstraas through vedic path the fulfillment of life has

been said to be attained by following the path of Moksha which requires

the slow Tyaaga of of wordly objects. Same has been described in Agam

Shaatraas in which an easy way has been described to have both Preya

(which means to enjoy worldly objects) and Shreya (which means Mokshaa)

simultaneously. That's why Agam Shaatra has been said to be the Tantra

Shaatra or Shakti Shastra.


" Tanyatei vistaaryatei Gyaanamneina eti tantram " - which means

On the basis of which knowledge spreads that is called Tantra. Word tantra

has been formed from the root " Tanu " and the union with Auanaardik " shtana "

(I don't know how to write this i am writting to watever extent i

can understand and translate it) Pratyaya. According to Shaiva Siddhaanta


There is no difference between Veda and Tantra aim of both is the

attainment of the ultimate destination.


Tantra in it's roots is the image of Shaakta Upaasanaa and tantra

should be used for good and betterment. According to Tantra knowledge

(Shikshaa-Dikshaa) of Tantra is obtained directly from Guru it's only than

that a person can become a great Tantrik. The venom of a single

grain of Shankhiyaa is deadly but if we process it with a healty liquid

then it becomes a potion for healthy life and gives energy to an

individual. According to place, time, society and circumstances it has

become necessary to understand the Shaakta Svarupaa of Tantra.




to be continued .....

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Dear Anurag,


There is a society called tantra vijnana parishad in Guntur, AP

(incidentally my home town), the members of whom are very well known

tantriks and who keep experementing on Tantra. Performing miracles is not a

big deal for some of them (My uncle Venkat Rao, Prof. Kulapati, Prof. Murthy

and others). There is one Krishna Murthy who does kalabhairava upasana and

he performs miracles graciously :-) One day, he encountered Bhagawan Sri

Satya Saibaba of puttaparti who was on his visit to Guntur. While

satyasaibaba was giving out vibhuti to his disciples, Krishna Murthy started

distributing Tirupati Laddus (which are quite big to even conceal) by

bringing them out of thin air. It was not an aggressive act but a funny

incident, and I don't know why it took place at all! Six days back I was in

Guntur, I was there just for two hours, visiting my parents who are on their

pilgrimage to Lord Ayyappa. I came across Krishna Murthy and chatted with

him for ten minutes. Your posting on Tantra reminded me of Krishna Murthy,

hence this posting.


Here is what I understand about mantra and tantra:


Every mantra will have a Seer. A seer who can see the God/Goddess who is

the adhisthAna devata for that mantra. These Seers give us the mantras

which we chant regularly. But how do we know whether that Mantra is really

working or not! For example, when we perform any yajna we say

" agnimAvAhayAmi " means " I invite the Fire God " and light the fire! But how

are we sure whether the Fire God is really arrived or not! As a rule, with

out seeing the God one should not offer the havis, for any such thing is

considered tantamount to insulting the demi-gods. And any person who does

such act will get a sin called " abhikrama nASa " which is described in

Bhagawad Gita:


" nEhAbhikrama nASOsti pratyavAyO navidyatE

svalpamapysya dharmasya trAyatE mahatO bhayAt "


That is why the use of Mantra is advised strictly from Guru to the disciple.

That too the guru should be in a position to witness the adhistAnadevata

(the owner Goddess of the mantra). Any such guru is also called as

" purascaraNa siddha " . There is a story in Rigveda where a seer stops the on

going yagna. He questions the performer saying " you are offering havis to

Fire God, but tell me do you see him? " , the performer agrees that he

couldn't see the FireGod. And the King who is listening to their

conversation, prays this Seer to perform the yagna. The Seer accepts the

invitation and performs the yagna. Everybody who was present at the yajna

was able to see each God and Goddess personified to accept their havis.


Tantra paves an easier way to get the effect of mantra. Since Agni is said

to have one hundred and twenty three servants, tantra tries to please them

all, by offering separate seats and separate havis to everybody. How ever,

this should be performed quite carefully, other wise there is this after

effect sin called " pratyavAya " (refer Bh.G) in tantra.


The effect a mantra can get can also be achieved by tantra. How ever,

tantrik process is quite elaborate. A seer only can see the mantra and

offer the prayers to the God/Goddess directly. A practitioner can perform

tantra, though he can't see the God/Goddess with his own eyes. Effect is

the same but the process is elaborate.







Anurag Goel <anurag

<Ramakrishna >

Thursday, January 13, 2000 2:04 AM

[ramakrishna] Abt Tantra - Part I

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Dear Madhava,

Many thanks for sharing the views on tantra and mantra. Yes

i too have heard that in AP many people have interest in tantra. Yep! its

true that the tantra sadhanas do have an elaborate procedure. I remember

someone mentioning that " Tara Sadhana " is 6 months long sadhana. But a

SadGuru can curtail the long procedure to a shorter period.


i am not that familiar with yajnas. Thanks for sharing knowledge abt it.




On Sun, 16 Jan 2000, Madhava K Turumella wrote:


> " Madhava K Turumella " <madhava


> Dear Anurag,


> There is a society called tantra vijnana parishad in Guntur, AP

> (incidentally my home town), the members of whom are very well known

> tantriks and who keep experementing on Tantra. Performing miracles is not a

> big deal for some of them (My uncle Venkat Rao, Prof. Kulapati, Prof. Murthy

> and others). There is one Krishna Murthy who does kalabhairava upasana and

> he performs miracles graciously :-) One day, he encountered Bhagawan Sri

> Satya Saibaba of puttaparti who was on his visit to Guntur. While

> satyasaibaba was giving out vibhuti to his disciples, Krishna Murthy started

> distributing Tirupati Laddus (which are quite big to even conceal) by

> bringing them out of thin air. It was not an aggressive act but a funny

> incident, and I don't know why it took place at all! Six days back I was in

> Guntur, I was there just for two hours, visiting my parents who are on their

> pilgrimage to Lord Ayyappa. I came across Krishna Murthy and chatted with

> him for ten minutes. Your posting on Tantra reminded me of Krishna Murthy,

> hence this posting.


> Here is what I understand about mantra and tantra:


> Every mantra will have a Seer. A seer who can see the God/Goddess who is

> the adhisthAna devata for that mantra. These Seers give us the mantras

> which we chant regularly. But how do we know whether that Mantra is really

> working or not! For example, when we perform any yajna we say

> " agnimAvAhayAmi " means " I invite the Fire God " and light the fire! But how

> are we sure whether the Fire God is really arrived or not! As a rule, with

> out seeing the God one should not offer the havis, for any such thing is

> considered tantamount to insulting the demi-gods. And any person who does

> such act will get a sin called " abhikrama nASa " which is described in

> Bhagawad Gita:


> " nEhAbhikrama nASOsti pratyavAyO navidyatE

> svalpamapysya dharmasya trAyatE mahatO bhayAt "


> That is why the use of Mantra is advised strictly from Guru to the disciple.

> That too the guru should be in a position to witness the adhistAnadevata

> (the owner Goddess of the mantra). Any such guru is also called as

> " purascaraNa siddha " . There is a story in Rigveda where a seer stops the on

> going yagna. He questions the performer saying " you are offering havis to

> Fire God, but tell me do you see him? " , the performer agrees that he

> couldn't see the FireGod. And the King who is listening to their

> conversation, prays this Seer to perform the yagna. The Seer accepts the

> invitation and performs the yagna. Everybody who was present at the yajna

> was able to see each God and Goddess personified to accept their havis.


> Tantra paves an easier way to get the effect of mantra. Since Agni is said

> to have one hundred and twenty three servants, tantra tries to please them

> all, by offering separate seats and separate havis to everybody. How ever,

> this should be performed quite carefully, other wise there is this after

> effect sin called " pratyavAya " (refer Bh.G) in tantra.


> The effect a mantra can get can also be achieved by tantra. How ever,

> tantrik process is quite elaborate. A seer only can see the mantra and

> offer the prayers to the God/Goddess directly. A practitioner can perform

> tantra, though he can't see the God/Goddess with his own eyes. Effect is

> the same but the process is elaborate.


> Regards,

> Madhava



> -

> Anurag Goel <anurag

> <Ramakrishna >

> Thursday, January 13, 2000 2:04 AM

> [ramakrishna] Abt Tantra - Part I





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> Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> Vivekananda Centre London

> http://www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda/



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