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Here is an article explaining wat really Tantra is and how it got an bad

image in society. This too has been translated from Hindi to English.




One who is afraid of Tantra can't be a human being such a person can never

becomne a saadhak. During the time of Guru Gorakhnaath Tantra in itself

was the source of highest knowledge and every part of society was

accepting it. But after Gorakhnaath Bhayaananda and some others came who

gave tantra a distorted image. They understood Tantra to be Bhoga, Vilaas,

Wine, Liquor, Meat and panchamkaar.


" Madyam maasam tathaa matsayam mudraa meithunmeiva cha, makaar

panchamvargasyaat sah tantrah sah taantrikaam "


Bhayaananda said that one who remains indulged in these five panchamkaars

only that person is a taantrik. He said that such a person should take

meat, fish and Wine, liquor and besides this he should daily

have an intercourse with a woman along with saadhana. These

misconceptions profilerated to such a extent in society that the people

who were fake (dhongi, paakhandi) started considering this shaloka an

important one and they started drinking wine, liquor and gathering

wealth. Due to all this they diverted from the roots of tantra and wat

remained was only the acts of deception and shrewedness. And society

started fearing such people and started moving away from tantra and these

people. People started thiking wat kind of tantra is this ? how can such

a tantra be beneficial to society ? People stopped taking the names of

such taantriks, stopped respecting them and they thought it better to

live with problems rather then revealing them to such taantriks for going

to such taantriks was in itself a invitation to large number of problems.

And such a time came when it started appearing that society no longer

requires tantra.



But the fault is not with Tantra but it's of those misguided people due to

which tantra got a bad name. In reality Tantra is for giving perfection

to all aspects of life.



When we can get help from Devataas through mantraas then wat helping role

can tantra play in our lives ? Mantra means praying to devtaas, folding

hands before them, reciting aarti before them, offering food, offering

incense, but it's not necessary that Lakshmi will become happy and will

fill our home with unending richness. Then with the second method if you

have courage, will, determination u will stand upright looking straight in

to the eyes Lakshmi and will say that i am performing tantra saadhanaa, i

am sort of forcing (Aabadha) u through tantra and u have to give me wealth

howsoever and u will have to give me wealth. It may be that Following

the method of mantraas for praying and worshipping devtaas they may or may

not become happy but tantra makes them give the boon. In both the

methods i.e. Mantra and Tantra the procedure of saadhana, method of

worshipping, nayaas all are quite same only difference being in their

vinayaas. Tantrokat mantraa are more powerful. In any adverse phase of

life tantra is the aimed and necessary knowledge.



In this yuga we don't have enough time for folding hands again and again,

for lighting the lamps of Desi Ghee again-again, for offering food again

and again, to keep worshipping Lakshmi and in this more then 20 years are

spent and we are still poor. That's why tantra is more important so that

lakshmi cannot had to give a boon and we get success in much less time.

Carrying out the procedures of mantra and sadhana in a very organised way

is what tantra is. How to use mantra, how to gain perfection in sadhana,

such a method is what is called tantra. And if anyhow some mistakes take

place while performing tantra sadhana, then it so happens that we don't

get the benefit but we don't get any adverse results too. Following the

path of tantra any person living a married life can easily learn

and get watever his aim of life is. Tantra in itself is a very light and

soothing (Saumaya) kind of sadhana, there is need of panchamkaar in it.

Refraining from these panchamkaar if someone does a saadhna in all

piousness, free from all bad (non pious) habits, things, and behaviour

then that sadhana is called Tantra Sadhana.



This pravachan was given by Pujya Gurudev.




Wat i have found is that the distorted image of tantra seems to be very

appealing to many people in western countries (as i found through

internet) and this again is distorting tantra like anything. In the name

of tantra they seem to be doing watever they like.

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