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Digest Number 336

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Dear Friends,


SOmething goaded me to write few words on the

subject.. self confidence...

in the context that someone is pointing his feet

toward a deity is some act or deed one should not do

keeping the following in their mind,


1. unless we are pulled by the love of GOD, and unless

we rightly turn our face to GOD(

kaya-mana-bayakya- & realisation ) ..we should,

whatever be our understanding is, not do such act for

the cause of Lokashiksha ( lesson to common man )


2. one should not do it, to keep walking with

samaskara one have, a deity is a symbol in which we

see the GOD, ( rather that represents the GOD ), and

when there is any difference or doubt in ones mind

whether he should point his feet... he should not do



and if the person is no longer detouched from the

supreme power, he is god incarnate so where his feet

points is irrevalent to him.



Jayatu Jaya Devi Ma








On 31 Jan 2000 Ramakrishna wrote:



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<>Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

<>Vivekananda Centre London




<>There are 2 messages in this issue.


<>Topics in today's digest:


<> 1. Re: [philist] Self confidence (fwd)

<> Anurag Goel <anurag

<> 2. sutra

<> <omtatsat








<>Message: 1

<> Fri, 28 Jan 2000 15:55:33 +0530 (IST)

<> Anurag Goel <anurag

<>Re: [philist] Self confidence (fwd)



<>This mail appeared on philist it seems quite interesting to me.



<>---------- Forwarded message ----------

<>Fri, 28 Jan 2000 15:45:07 +0530 (IST)

<>Anurag Goel <anurag

<>Indian Philosophy Mailing List <philist >

<>Cc: ruben

<>Re: [philist] Self confidence



<>Seeing this mail it just occured to me Self-confidence is the confidence

<>in self, the awareness of self. When we are aware of who we r then all the

<>confidence will automatically come to us. Now it seems Self confidence in

<>its entirety is nothin but self realization.


<>Long back i read some books on Hypnotism. There it is was mentioned that

<> " Traatak " or " Meditation " builds up self confidence. Yep! now it makes

<>sense. " Traatak " or " Meditation " helps in removing the dirt which covers

<>the self. Once dirt is not there self will shine and self confidence will

<>come naturally.



<>Ruben yep! the person who says that one shouldn't be

<>pointing ones feet toward lord is not confident for he doesn't know wat

<>self is. I guess only when one becomes realised will one get that

<>confidence and clarity.



<>But Shree Ramakrihna Paramhansa even after being self realised worshipped

<>and respected mother. When he for sure knows all is he then wat is the

<>need of worshipping a lord.


<>Lets take that a disciple has become self realised then can he point his

<>feet towards his Guru. I mean to say will Swami Vivekananda ever point his

<>feet towards Shree Ramakrishna Paramhansa.



<>On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Gokulmuthu N wrote:


<>> Gokulmuthu N <gomu


<>> Cross posting from studycircle

<>> Thu, 27 Jan 2000 16:24:41 +0800

<>> " Ruben " <ruben

<>> Self-confidence


<>> Dear Friends,


<>> We often see that people say, " I am not a saint, so I can continue

<>> doing that (gambling, boozing etc.) . " I once related to this list, the

<>> story of the wise old lady who was tired and while sitting, pointed her

<>> feet towards the sanctum santorum of the temple (another similar story

<>> of a wise muslim man who pointed his feet towards the Ka'abah) and

<>> the priest said that was rude and blasphemous. The wise person

<>> replied, " Please show me a place where God does not reside and I will

<>> gladly point my feet towards it. "


<>> When I told this story to someone, he said, " They are wise or evolved,

<>> they can see that, but we are not evolved, so we cannot point our feet

<>> towards the deity. " Another person said, " We are not monks, we don't

<>> have to be vegetarian. " Another said that claiming we are God or

<>> spiritual beings or AtmA is egoistic.


<>> All these show lack of self-confidence and complacency. How could

<>> one progress spiritually without self-confidence? How could one

<>> change if he or she is confortable with his/her stand in spirituality? The

<>> Dhammapada tells the Seeker that s/he IS the Master, meaning that

<>> you should take refuge in your Self. If you take one step, God takes

<>> ten steps towards you. To take that one step, you need to be confident

<>> of yourself.


<>> All actions analyzed is not enough to determine whether they are right

<>> are wrong. The motives and intentions (thoughts of mind) behind them

<>> are more important. Don't ever think that " I shouldn't do this and that or

<>> I should do this or that because I AM ..... (not a realised person, or

<>> ordinary person etc.) " because the " I AM " in that sentence is already a

<>> sign of ego-recognition. Think what you may want to do and ask

<>> yourself what is the motive or intention. This is what is meant by

<>> Sathya Sai Baba's quote: " Make the mind, the voice and the actions

<>> agree in harmony. That is the right way of life. "


<>> The wise old lady did not have the motive to humiliate the deity. The

<>> masters and wise ordinary folk say they are AtmA (Self or spirit) or

<>> being vegetarians not out of having the motive of proving that they are

<>> " holier than thou " but because they see the one AtmA in all and they

<>> feel vegetarianism is more suitable for them. It is the motive and

<>> intention behind the act and not the act itself.




<>> " Though people talk about self-confidence, they have really no

<>> confidence in the Self (the Spirit). It is essential for every man to have

<>> Atma-visvaasam (confidence in the Self). Self-confidence is the

<>> foundation for the mansion of Life, with Self-satisfaction as the walls,

<>> Self-sacrifice as the roof and Self-realization as the dwelling. The Self

<>> (Spirit) is at the root of everything. Without confidence in the Self, life

<>> becomes utterly meaningless. Life is infinitely precious. It should not

<>> be wasted in mere eating and sleeping. It should be lived for realizing

<>> the Supreme. Man is endowed with a body for realizing the Divine. He

<>> must lead an ideal life. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a dream,

<>> realize it. Life is a game, play it. "

<>> - Sathya Sai Baba (5 Nov 1991)


<>> " In all things be a master

<>> Of what you do and say and think.

<>> Be free.

<>> You are a seeker.

<>> Delight in the mastery

<>> Of your hands and your feet,

<>> Of your words and your thoughts. "

<>> -Dhammapada (chapter: The Seeker)


<>> About " the Master " :

<>> " Because he believes in himself, he doesn't try to convince others.

<>> Because he is content with himself, he doesn't need others' approval.

<>> Because he accepts himself, the whole world accepts him. "

<>> -Tao Te Ching.



<>> --

<>> Warmest regards,

<>> Ruben

<>> ruben

<>> _____________

<>> " God does not appreciate external pomps and exhibitionistic

<>> behaviour. God does not take revenge if you do not recognize

<>> Him or revere Him. " -Sathya Sai Baba.











<>Message: 2

<> 30 Jan 2000 01:36:41 -0800

<> <omtatsat



<>~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~



<>Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.183


<>Monday 31/1/00


<>The Master Said:


<> " Why doesn't God free us from the world?

<>Ah, He will free us when the disease is cured.

<>He will liberate us from the world when we are

<>through with the enjoyment of 'woman and gold'.

<>Once a man registers his name in the hospital,

<>he cannot run away. The doctor will not let him go

<>away unless his illness is cured. "


<>om tat sat



<>~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~


<>Extrait du Gospel de Sri Ramakrishna p.183


<>Lundi 31/1/00


<>Le Maitre dit:


<> " Pourquoi le Dieu ne nous libere-t'il pas du monde? Ah, il

<>nous liberera quand la maladie est traitee. Il nous liberera

<>du monde quand nous terminons le plaisir de la 'femme et de l'or'.

<>Une fois qu'un homme inscrit son nom dans l'hopital, il ne peut

<>pas se sauver loin. Le docteur ne le laissera pas partir loin au

<>moins que sa maladie soit traitee. "


<>om tat sat



<>~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~~




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