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_~~~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~~~


Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, Page 189


Friday, 4/2/00


The Master Said:


" People worship God according to their tastes and temperaments.

The mother cooks the same fish differently for her children,

that each one may have what suits his stomach. For some she cooks

the rich dish of Pilau. But not all the children can digest it.

For those with weak stomachs she prepares soup. Some, again, like

fried fish or pickled fish. It depends on one taste. "


om tat sat


~~~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~~~


Extrait du Gospel de Sri Ramakrishna, page 189


Vendredi, 4/2/00


Le maitre dit:


" Le monde adore le Dieu selon leur gout et leurs temperaments.

La mere fait cuire differemment les memes poissons pour ses enfants,

pour avoir ce qui est convenable pour l'estomac de chacun.

Pour certains, elle fait cuire le pilau savoureux.

Mais pas tous les enfants peut l'assimiler. Pour ceux avec les

estomacs faibles, elle prepare le potage. Certains, encore, aimer

mieux les poissons frits ou les poissons marines.

Chacun conforme a son gout. "



om tat sat



~~~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~~





Dear Jay,


Concerning Ron's monologue, featured in the last issue, I honestly

tried to read it all....really, I made a mighty effort.

However, I couldn't 'get past' the following statement:


" We eat and what we eat is what we are made of "


Who is this 'we', that Ron refers to? Is it the flesh, the bones,

the intestines ? neti neti neti !


om shanthi om




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