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Madhva Navami

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The following was taken from another mailing list:




Madhva Navami


" R.K.Padasalgi " <padasalg



Dear All,


The Vedanta has played the dominant role in the Indian thought. Many consider it


showing the way for a final synthesis of the logical and emotional approaches to

reality on the basis of intuition. Today is the " Madhva Navami " this day in the

thirteenth century saw the birth of " Shri.Madhvacharya " the fonder of the

" Dwaita "

school of thought. At this period the Hindu Kingdoms and people were passing


a catastrophic period of grave cultural unrest and political turmoil in Indian



Madhva was born in 1238 at Pajaka a village near the modern Udupi in Karnatak

(South India).

Starting from the foundation of Sense-perception and Saksyanubhava and inference

resting on

them and interpreting the truths of Scripture in accord with the authority of


and Upajivya-pramana Shri.Madhva arrives at a realistic metaphysics in which

God, as

Svatantra (Independent) occupies the central position with matter and souls


keeping their legitimate positions under Him.


There are two orders of reality.


1) Independent 2) Dependent.This brief but profound statement of Shri.Madhava

sums up his

ontology. The aim of philosophy according to Madhva should be not merely to

realize the

distinction between appearance and reality but to understand and realize the

more important

disctiction between the " Independent Reality " and " Dependent Reality " . Only the

creator the

supreme Lord Shri.Vishnu is Independent and rest all are Dependent.

His main teachings are as follows:


!) Jiva Jiva Bheda 2)Jiva Jada Bheda 3)Jada Jada Bheda 4)Jiva Ishwar Bheda

5)Jada Ishwar



This five fold difference is the difference that exists as between Jivas


Jadas (material principle) and Brahaman (Supreme Lord) on the one hand and

mutually among

Jivas and Jadas themselves on the other.


This scheme of Panchbheda(five fold distinction) is not illusory as it is

cognized by God,

maintained and controlled by Him for there can be no illusions for God.


Let his teachings guide us to attain self-realization.



Hari om!






Ce qui suit est d'un autre liste d'expedition:


Madhva Navami


" R.K.Padasalgi " <padasalg




Cher Tous,

Le Vedanta a joue le role dominant dans la pensee indienne. Beaucoup le


en tant que montrer la voie pour une synthese finale des approches logiques et


a la realite sur la base de l'intuition. Aujourd'hui c'est le " Madhva Navami "

Ce jour

dans la treizieme scie de siecle la naissance de " Shri.Madhvacharya " du plus


de l'ecole de " Dwaita " de la pensee. A cette periode les royaumes et les


indous traversaient une periode catastrophique du malaise culturel grave et de


politique dans l'histoire indienne.


Madhva naquit en 1238 chez Pajaka un village pres de l'Udupi moderne dans

Karnatak (Inde du sud). A partir de la base de la Sentir-perception et du


et de l'inference se reposant sur eux et interpretant les verites de la

Scripture en accord

avec l'autorite de Saksipramana et d'Upajivya-pramana Shri.Madhva arrive a une


realiste en laquelle Dieu, comme Svatantra (independant) occupe la position

centrale avec

la matiere et les ames (dependantes) gardant leurs positions legitimes sous lui.


Il y a deux ordres de la realite.


1)Independent 2) Dependent. Cette declaration profonde de Shri.Madhava resume sa


Le but de la philosophie selon Madhva devrait etre pas simplement realiser la


entre l'aspect et la realite, mais comprendre et realiser le disctiction plus


entre " la realite independante " et " la realite dependante " . Seulement le


le seigneur supreme, le Shri.Vishnu est independant et la reste sont des


Ceci sont ses enseignements principaux:


Jiva Jiva Bheda 2)Jiva Jada Bheda 3)Jada Jada Bheda 4)Jiva Ishwar Bheda 5)Jada

Ishwar Bheda.


Cette difference de 'cinq fois' est la difference qui existe en tant qu'entre


(les etres vivants), Jadas (le principe materiel) et Brahaman (le seigneur


d'une part et mutuellement parmi Jivas et Jadas eux-memes de l'autre.


Cet arrangement de distinction de cing fois de Panchbheda n'est pas de tout


qu'il fait, pour le Dieu, une partie de sa cognition, mis a jour et controle par

lui pour

lui ne peut y avoir aucune illusion pour le Dieu.


Que ses enseignements nous guider pour atteindre la realisation individuelle.


Hari om!








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