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[NOTE: I am reposting it after manually wrapping the test around. It takes some

time, but I hope this post can be read now.]


I find the Vedic truths very comprehensive and scientific in their approach.

Yes, Hinduism teems with innumerable gods and goddesses, but they can all be

put in perspective nicely using the framework provided by the Vedas. From a

lecture given in London by Swami Vivekananda in 1896


" All the gods are here, the prototypes of man. The gods did not create man

after their type, but man created gods. We have been projecting our little

doubles and we are the originals of these gods, we are the real, the only gods

to be worshipped. This is the view of Vedanta and this its practicality. When

we have become free, we need not go mad and throw up society and rush off to

die in the forest or the cave; we shall remain where we were, only we shall

understand the whole thing. We do not see what this world is yet, it is only

through freedom that we see what it is. "


From my understanding, the Vedas provide the following framework. Any comments

are welcome.


Brahman unmanifested is impersonal (nirguna).

Brahman manifested is personal (saguna).


Brahman unmanifested is described as:


" The motionless Brahman possesses all that is movable and immovable without any

effort. It is by nature calm, conscious, and all-prevading like space. "

- Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya - Chapter 2 verse 3 (translator - Swami



Brahman unmanifested may also be described in modern terms as:


" An actuality of no mass, no motion, no wavelength, no location in space or in

time. This is a true static. Formerly, a static was defined only as a

motionless object. This definition is not adequate, since a state of rest for

an object is attained only by an equilibrium of forces; and all objects have in

themselves, if only at a molecular level, motion, and exist in space, which is

itself an integral portion of motion. Hence here we are dealing with a higher-

level static, a life static, with the ability to postulate and perceive, to

make conclusions, decisions and resolutions. "


Brahman manifested may be described as " YOU " the Atman. What follows from

Brahman manifested is the universe of Matter, Energy, Space and Time.


Each one of us (Atman or Brahman manifested) is creating our own universes,

knowingly or unknowingly. The Physical universe is where all our universes



Atman is Brahman manifested. There is no limit to how many different ways

Brahman manifests Itself.


Atman can range in its attributes from Parmatman at the top of the scale to

Jivatman near the bottom of that scale.


The position on this scale depends on Atman's attachment to what it is



At the top of this scale (at the level of Parmatman) there is no attachment. At

this level the atman is creating knowingly. There is no limit to what it may



As the attachment increases the atman descends down this scale. The creation

occurs more and more on an unknowing basis. New (knowing) creation is

increasingly limited.


Near the bottom of this scale (at the level of Jivatman) the atman is

completely attached to what it is creating unknowingly. New (knowing) creation

is almost none.


You as jivatman put before you the ideal of Parmatman, which you want to reach



Beyond that it is becoming unmanifested again.




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