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Just as we have recognized unity by our very nature, so we must also

recognize variation. We must learn that truth may be expressed in a

hundred thousand ways, and that each of these ways is true as far as

it goes. We must learn that the same thing can be viewed from a

hundred different standpoints, and yet be the same thing. Take for

instance the sun. Suppose a man standing on the earth looks at the

sun when it rises in the morning; he sees a big ball. Suppose he

starts on a journey towards the sun and takes a camera with him,

taking photographs at every stage of his journey, until he reaches

the sun. The photographs of each stage will be seen to be different

from those of the other stages; in fact, when he gets back, he brings

with him so many photographs of so many different suns, as it would

appear; and yet we know that the same sun was photographed by the man

at the different stages of his progress.



We continue a lecture called THE IDEAL OF A UNIVERSAL RELIGION.


This is a part of a daily study of the lectures and writings of Swami

Vivekananda. All lectures are sent out in sequenced form, as he spoke



Please tell a friend about this Vivekananda Mailing list and study group.

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