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Wat and What

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Dear Anurag,


I am just curious. Why do you deliberately misspell 'what' as 'wat,' and 'are'

as 'r,' etc. I remember this was necessary on telegrams because of the cost.

Shouldn't one reevaluate this practice when writing e-mail?


Sorry! I may sound unnecessarily critical, but what I see here is the same

inertia as I see with outdated morals that continue beyond their times.


" Holy Cow " is such an outdated moral that still is followed in India because of

the inertia of the mind that prevents it from reevaluating it in a new unit of



Please don't take my criticism in the wrong way. It is just that seeing 'wat'

instead of 'what' in an otherwise wonderful post seems to jar the flow of


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On 18 Feb 2000 14:08:34 -0000 vinaire writes:

> vinaire




> " Holy Cow " is such an outdated moral that still is followed in India

> because of

> the inertia of the mind that prevents it from reevaluating it in a

> new unit of

> time.




What is the matter with regarding cows as holy?


govinda jaya jaya gopala jaya jaya

radha-ramana hari govinda jaya jaya


This name " govinda " indicates that God enjoys giving pleasure to cows,

and " gopala " means that He is the protector of the cows. Now it's true


the cows on earth are not exactly like the Surabhi cows, but they none

the less

require protection. The cow is exactly like our mother, except that she


her milk to anyone. The bull is the representative of dharma, his four


representing truthfulness, mercy, cleanliness, and austerity.

What kind of society takes milk from the cow and then kills her?


-Dharam Dev



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Dear Vinarie,


Yep! i do that to save time. i can't say whether it is

deliberately or not for i sometimes write the compressed form while

writting applications too :) and which i have to change during spell

check or while going through it again. I guess i got this habit from

internet. There are only 24 hrs in a day i hope we a had bit more. There

is so much to do and so less is the time. We have to write 3 letters for

" are " and one for " r " but still the message is conveyed perfectly.

Sometimes i too feel it crazy when someone compresses the lang to such an

extent that i see the combinations of " abcd...... " and " 1234.... " :).

once i recieved such an email and i thought hey wat is this :).



You know when i was going through cleaning ( of mind) process i realised

why we consider cow as holy. Here in my country i think we give respect to

anything that is helpful to us or that we use. We drink the milk of cow i

think that it is one of the main reasons to call cow as mother and give

her that respect. There may be other which i don't know. I realised that

how nature nurtures us and we always keep torturing her. For all the

nature provide us can't we call it a mother. It's just that it doesn't

have the form of human body but still it does all wat a mother does.

When we start respecting them and as time goes by this respect changes in

to holiness. May be the people considering it as holy doesn't know why

they consider it holy but i guess still it's worth being given that



I sort of realised the holiness in everything we use as mind started to

look at them in a different sense.


Vinarie i want to write more abt holiness i will share my views on in few




On 18 Feb 2000 vinaire wrote:


> vinaire


> Dear Anurag,


> I am just curious. Why do you deliberately misspell 'what' as 'wat,' and 'are'

> as 'r,' etc. I remember this was necessary on telegrams because of the cost.

> Shouldn't one reevaluate this practice when writing e-mail?


> Sorry! I may sound unnecessarily critical, but what I see here is the same

> inertia as I see with outdated morals that continue beyond their times.


> " Holy Cow " is such an outdated moral that still is followed in India because


> the inertia of the mind that prevents it from reevaluating it in a new unit


> time.


> Please don't take my criticism in the wrong way. It is just that seeing 'wat'

> instead of 'what' in an otherwise wonderful post seems to jar the flow of

> communication.


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Dear Anurag,


I am glad to see that you are a good sport and did not get peeved at

my uninvited criticism. Now that I know this we can have some good

discussions. :)


My guru told me once that he could create TIME itself. I asked, " How? "

With a twinkle in his eyes, he said, " By working faster. " :)

If you really look at it, that is the truth. What is TIME? It is nothing but

the viewpoint of CHANGE.


Time seems to pass very slowly for a person waiting for something to

happen. But, for a person, who is busy doing lots of things, time seems

to fly. Don't you agree?


We measure the physical time by the CHANGE in the position of the sun

in the heavens. But our subjective time depends on the changes in our own



By the way, what is that " cleaning of mind " process you are referring to?






Anurag Goel <anurag

<Ramakrishna >

Friday, February 18, 2000 3:58 PM

Re: [ramakrishna] Wat and What



> Anurag Goel <anurag



> Dear Vinarie,


> Yep! i do that to save time. i can't say whether it is

> deliberately or not for i sometimes write the compressed form while

> writting applications too :) and which i have to change during spell

> check or while going through it again. I guess i got this habit from

> internet. There are only 24 hrs in a day i hope we a had bit more. There

> is so much to do and so less is the time. We have to write 3 letters for

> " are " and one for " r " but still the message is conveyed perfectly.

> Sometimes i too feel it crazy when someone compresses the lang to such an

> extent that i see the combinations of " abcd...... " and " 1234.... " :).

> once i recieved such an email and i thought hey wat is this :).



> You know when i was going through cleaning ( of mind) process i realised

> why we consider cow as holy. Here in my country i think we give respect to

> anything that is helpful to us or that we use. We drink the milk of cow i

> think that it is one of the main reasons to call cow as mother and give

> her that respect. There may be other which i don't know. I realised that

> how nature nurtures us and we always keep torturing her. For all the

> nature provide us can't we call it a mother. It's just that it doesn't

> have the form of human body but still it does all wat a mother does.

> When we start respecting them and as time goes by this respect changes in

> to holiness. May be the people considering it as holy doesn't know why

> they consider it holy but i guess still it's worth being given that

> respect.


> I sort of realised the holiness in everything we use as mind started to

> look at them in a different sense.


> Vinarie i want to write more abt holiness i will share my views on in few

> days.



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