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[ramakrishna] Digest Number 390

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Yes Jay,

Procure the following video cassette. I have reviewed it for the

magazine Vedanta Kesari, and I am also sending you the review.

dr c s s



" Thakur " : Life of Sri Ramakrishna,

A video Cassette By Rajiv Mehrotra,

Duration 1 hour 53 minutes,

Price not quoted

" mediart " , A-86, Nizamuddin East, New Delhi 110013


Sri Ramakrishna (His devotees call him " Thakur " out of love and

reverence) was a living encyclopedia of religions. A faithful record of

all his life events including his sadhana, visions, and moods is very

well preserved, thereby allowing many creative artists to experiment

with their imaginative skills and come up with wonderful work of art.

Rajiv Mehrotra is one such successful creative artist who has endeavored

to project life of Sri Ramakrishna in a novel video cassette form.


The cassette opens with the focus on the emblem of Ramakrishna Order on

the entrance of Belur Temple showing in particular the Swan: Symbol of

Paramahamsa. In the background, the music of evening aarti is being

played that gives a wonderful serenity and piety to the atmosphere.


The director takes us to the village of Kamarpukur, Bengal, where on

18th February 1836 (Mr. Mehrotra has erroneously mentioned 17th

February) was born the hero of this art work, Sri Ramakrishna. Focus

then shifts to Sri Ramakrishna's visions and state of samadhi in his

early childhood; once while he was overpowered with the beauty of white

cranes against the dark background of Monsoon clouds, and secondly

during his acting as Shiva in a play in the local community.


In 1852 Sri Ramakrishna accompanies his elder brother to Calcutta and

soon takes up the responsibility of officiating as a priest in the

famous temple of Kali at Dakshineswar. Here starts the main series of

events of his life as an yearning sadhaka. Curiosity and faith combined

together propels Sri Ramakrishna to fathom the real nature of the

Mother. Is she just a idol of stone, or is she living goddess?


With love and intensity unknown in realm of spiritual history Sri

Ramakrishna calls on Mother to reveal her true nature. He is even pushed

to the point to attempt suicide, when the gracious Deity shows Herself

to him as living Mother. His love for the Mother thus strengthened, Sri

Ramakrishna begins to see Her in other living and non-living beings. He

sees no difference between himself and the Mother, nor between a cat and



But how to authenticate the truth of his visions and to allay his own

doubts! For this comes Bhairavi Brahmani, a nun well versed in various

Tantra and Vaishnava sadhana. Ramakrishna, as her disciple, engages in

and experiences the ultimate truths of sixty four Tantras as well as

Dasya and Madhur bhava. Soon, as the final culmination of sadhana,

Totapuri, the great Advaita Teacher, reaches Dakshineswar and initiates

Sri Ramakrishna as a sanyasin to enable him to undertake the sadhana of

Advaita Vedanta. This episode of interaction between Sri Ramakrishna and

Totapuri is indeed very nicely done and leaves many a eye wet with a



After the departure of Totapuri, Sri Ramakrishna engages himself to

reach the state of non-duality through other religious disciplines, viz.

of Islam and Christianity. He then has desire to share his knowledge and

experiences in the realm of spirituality with his disciples. Thus comes

into the picture greatest of all his disciples: Swami Vivekananda.


All these episodes are nicely depicted and narrated by the director.

Scenes from the background folk drama, and reactions of audience

watching the same, add novelty and familiarity to the work. Shots from

the rural background and melodious tunes of Bengali songs add desired

flavour to the narrative. The creative ability in him and his research

team has successfully portrayed 'the man who was the consummation of two

thousand years of spiritual life of three hundred million people'.


Any attempt to spread the holy message about the life and teachings of

Sri Ramakrishna is welcome; so is this. A five to seven minute clip on

the wonderful meeting between Sri Ramakrishna and Brahmo leader Kesav

Chandra Sen would have helped highlight the influence of Thakur on the

social religious movements of his time. All in all, the cassette would

be welcome by all those who know something about the life of Sri

Ramakrishna, or are, even in smallest way, connected with Ramakrishna


[The viewers are requested to keep the sound volume a bit high which

definitely brings more clarity to the narration.]





> Message: 2

> Thu, 23 Mar 2000 20:16:23 -0000

> " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

> Documentary on the life of Swami Vivekananda


> Recently we showed a 1 hour documentary on the life of Swami Vivekananda

> at our London Class.


> This is an old black and white affair - quite old, faded and with poor sound

> recording.


> Does anyone know of better documentaries that may have been produced more

> recently?


> jay

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Jay, there is the documentary " Vivekananda as We Saw HIm " , Vedanta Society

of St. Louis, 205 S. Skinker Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63106. Though the sound

track has not been upgraded, the photography and color are good and the

material of great interest.

Yours, Yogeshananda

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