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What is Reality ?

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Jay these days i have been attending a Lecture Series on

" Science And Spirituality " . And there are some interesting things that

came through.



I once again got lost in to understanding this world. I was sort of lost

until i once again came across the thought that what we see is what our

body lets us see.



I thought lets see the things both at the level of mind and body. At the

level of mind each one us ( humans ) interpret the same picture very

differently. There are many such pictures which we appear very

differently to different people. So at the level of mind same picture or

event can appear differently to different people. So at the level of mind

itself the reality of so called real world is questioned.



If we look at more hard level of physical body. Our senses ( Which

are normally five senses vision, touch, taste, hearing, smell. We

can even include sixth sense to look at a bigger picture. ) sense

something and they give some information to us. These senses give us very

limited information. For eg. the ( visual spectrum ) in the case of

vision and this limitedness of the senses can be extended similarly to

other senses. Thus our senses present to us very limited information. And

the world we see exists only on the basis of such information. In other

words we see what our senses lets us see.



If we manipulate our senses then what will appear to us will be an

altogether different world. That is what happens in different species.

The same external environment or world is different for different species.

The world of mouquitoes, fish, cats, other animals and humans is different

from each others world. Which one should be real ? So the reality of

the so called real world gets questioned at the hardware level too.

A day back i was discussing these thoughts with a friend of mine and she

said yes! the objective experiences from the view that we all

are constructed in a similar fashion. All other nature is too constructed

in some other fashion which is similar to their own specie. So that's why

objective experiences. So the objective experiences are nothing but a

limited view or they are true relative to this structure of nature which

itself is limited.



The colour blind person sees the same colour in a different way. It's just

a play of hardware.



In the seminar Professor said that there was one Bishop in Berkely. He

once asked a question


" In a forest which is very far from here if a tree falls down will it make

a sound ? "


He has been saying this question many a times in this lecture series. At

first it sounded a bit absurd to me. Only when i applied the above

thoughts of the limited view of mind and body today that i realised.

sound ? Does sound exist ?



We think that yes it will make a sound for we have the experience that the

falling of tree at many a times make sound. So if the tree has fallen it

will make sound and if someone is there he will hear it for sure.

What we fail to realise is its our ears that made it possible. No ears no

sound. This whole world exists relative to this physical body.



When Bishop was near his death he gave an answer to this question

that only lord hears it. At present it is sounding bit absurd to me.

professor said that to be scientific he will say " Universal Conciousness "

instead of Lord.



The phase of talk was in EPR ( Eienstien, i don't reember names

of the two russian scientists ) paradox and the famous debate between

Einstein and Bohr on " Relativity and Quantum Mechanics " which resulted

in to EPR Paradox.


The paradox got resolved when an great experiment was done in all

sophistication. And it was found that information does travel at speed

greater than that of light.


The final conclusion was that if a electron changes it's spin then some

other electron which can be anywhere in the universe instantaneously

changes its spin violating the limit of speed of light as if the electrons

are concious of each other.



He went on to say that isn't that something which happens in telepathy.

In telpathy which has a higher incidence of being found in twins.



I think i am not able to put to put the arguments in proper scientific

sense and they seem to vast to write right now.

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