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Request to all of You ; Important

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It is my request to all of U , for the benefit / transformation of everybody

that hereafter while posting the letters


# atleast one quote that inspired U , from any book . ( can repeat the same

after 3-4 months , preferably from other books ( Initially , later why can't u

have U'r own ?? )

# Atleast one tip for sadhana / Yogic techniques .

Any Criticisms should be sent to that sender only not to group .Because

stories of Sri Ramakrishna / Vivekanda won't help U beyond a limit ( maximum

effect upto 2 weeks ).




# Experinece is the Guru . Don't follow anybody blindly .!!.Observe the

reaction of the body .

# If the presence / absence / attittude of ANYbody makes U more happy / unhappy

u are attached , so u are not free . Still u are the slave as others can

control your state of mind. Be happy & enjoy the present moment ,

environment to the maximum extent with all the 5 senses ( To reach real

meditative ( insensitive / breathless ) state , u have to undergo a fully

sensitive / aware intermediate state ( be slow watching ... ) => No

fluctuation of thoughts . it will work , I guarentee .

# When it comes to life,

Live like there is no tomorrow.

Love like you won't get hurt,

Work like you don't need the money

And dance/sing like no one is watching.

# The difference between Ordinary life is that in one we spend more time for

observing / thinking about others and in the other one

We are much more concerned about ourself .


*********Tip for sadhana **


# Take bath ( open space preferred ) atleast two times a day . ( with messaging

) . it will clear the external vibrations of u'r aura , may open /

stimulation to chakras ( as per acupressure )) .( remember We had a habit of

taking bath ( in hindu culture ))bath if coming from a funeral programme ).

Have seperate dress for indoor & outdoor . keep the outdoor dresses ( after

coming back ) in one seperate room ( Bath room , as the vibrations adhere to

clothes ) . Whenever U are coming from outside , wash atleast legs , hands &

face with head ( external ) . ( Yes , every custom in any religion have

scientific background , but nowadays nobody knows it .)


# Do jogging in the morning giving more stress to exhalation only ( let all

the co-2

go !! ), If possible in the evening also . let U be more Rajasic .. Direct

transformation from thamasic state to Sathwic

state is difficult ..

# Do not take ( food before sadhana , bath after sadhana )

# Spirituality is not sadness . a sadly prayer gives us plaesure after that

because of change of state & energy release

# Spend some time in U'r life for self exploration . don't get " " addicted " " to


( music / film / job / Any hobbies ) or Anybody ( Parents , Children , Spouse

) . Be independent . we came to this world

alone. We'll be going from here alone . Don't get even addicted to U'r

followers / Guru . there is only self- realisation

, No group realisation , even though group ( chain of explosion ) awakening

is easy during group meditation .

# During the cleansing process of sadhana there is a possibility that all U'r

old vasana's may come up (Take this as a challenge to U, Don't be justified

by this ). ( It may be even because of the sex chakra stimulation during

kundalini rise) . If U feel that there is no way to control the feeling do any

of the following to release energy . (Take bath Now itself , listen to some

rough songs like Metallica ( Heavy metal ) / Do some severe exercise till U get

tired , Breath and laugh continuosly for 5 minutes )


# Classify all u'r activities ( walking ( alone , group ) , eating / drinking

,listening with creative thinking .....,

sleeping ) . Now think how can U make each & every activity much more

enjoyable , effective , creative ,....


# While doing one thing completely forget about the rest of the things , (

Always keep a diary and a pen with U to remind

the other things )


# Read less , Think more , there is no other way for an evolution ..!!!, I have

never heard anybody got realisation by

reading spiritual books , Yesss.......A lonely self journey is required



# Once in a week in the early morning spend some time for the following .

Think that u are a guru / teacher . write down in U'r diary what is U'r

advice to them ( Daily sadhana ). Think deeply .


It'll transform U .



Om shanthi !!!




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At 04:28 PM 4/11/2000 -0700, you wrote:


>For your kind information, there are people who have realized by reading the

>holy scriptures.


Only those who put the scriptures into practice. Just reading is not

enough. Words can do no more than point to the Reality; it is up to the

individual to find within themselves that which is pointed to.


The holy scriptures have perhaps prevented as many from realization as

helped. When the word becomes more important than the Reality, when the

pointer becomes an object of desire, the scriptures have failed for that

person. The finger points to the moon. The moon is the goal, not that

which points to it.


Some have referred to " spiritual materialism. " If the vehicle cannot be

let go at the end of the destination, it serves no purpose. The scriptures

are a part of Maya. If Maya is to be transcended, then the scriptures must

be abandoned at some point. What does the realized sage care for

scriptures? To him, they are nothing but noises in the air.


Advaita Vedanta contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction.

When the crossing has been accomplished, the boat is to be abandoned. Yet,

how many cling to the boat, which has become so familiar? Somebody said

that for 35 years the words of Vivekananda and Ramakrishna have been

helpful. I must ask that person, how many more years before you discover

that within yourself which Vivekananda and Ramakrishna talk about? Could

it be that the word has become more important than the content?


>Reading should never be discouraged.


I see the purpose of reading as two-fold:


(1) To assist in discovering the inner Satguru

(2) To confirm the direct experience. Once the inner Guru is found,

reading only serves as a reminder of that which is already known. If a

scripture, however holy, disagrees with the Reality as known directly by

the Satguru, it is worthless and to be discarded as an impediment!


>Especially saints

>like Paramahamsa and Vivekananda, their teachings are manuals to the

>immortality; their lives are beautiful palaces built for eternal Hindu

>Dharma. Please keep this point in mind.


The entire goal is to become a paramahamsa ourselves. I do not blaspheme;

even the Bhakti should always keep this in mind, that love for God or the

saints is really love of the Self.


Hari OM,



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