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[ramakrishna] Request to all of You ; Important

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> # Read less , Think more , there is no other way for an evolution ..!!!, I


> never heard anybody got realisation by

> reading spiritual books , Yesss.......A lonely self journey is required

> !!!!!!!!


> # Once in a week in the early morning spend some time for the following .

> Think that u are a guru / teacher . write down in U'r diary what is U'r

> advice to them ( Daily sadhana ). Think deeply .




I read your tips with awe! Never the less, I got cleared of the doubt on

one historical aspect of our religion. That is --- I came to know how

orthodoxy came in to picture in our religion. Add one more to your points.

Good advises are only for others :-)



(1) if you want your readers to " read less " then why do you write at all! I

guess, you can convey with out writing?

(2) Even if that were the case, why do you advise anyone to write a diary of

thoughts? Aren't you contradicting yourself? You are advising us not to

read... because you say that by reading no body achieved realization ---

immediately after saying that you are advising to write a diary...


For your kind information, there are people who have realized by reading the

holy scriptures. Reading should never be discouraged. Especially saints

like Paramahamsa and Vivekananda, their teachings are manuals to the

immortality; their lives are beautiful palaces built for eternal Hindu

Dharma. Please keep this point in mind.


CONCLUSIVELY: I would recommend you to keep contemplating on the famous

Bhagawad Gita sloka (I am sure this works great as a medicine):


na buddhibheda.n janayedaGYaanaa.n karmasaN^ginaam.h .

joshhayetsarvakarmaaNi vidvaanyuk{}taH samaacharan.h .. 3.26..


26. Let no wise-man unsettle the minds of ignorant-people, who are attached

to action; he should engage them in all actions, himself fulfilling them

with devotion.


[Following is the commentary by Swamy Chinmayananda for this sloka]


The chances are that when a man of equipoise and Self-discovery enters the

field of activity, he will be tempted to advise his generation on pure

ethics and abstract ideologies. The generation, misunderstanding the words

and emphasis of such a Master, might come to a wrong conclusion that, to

renounce activity was the direct path to Truth. The teachers are warned

against such a hasty guidance which might damp the enthusiasm of the

generation to act.


Life is dynamic. Nobody can sit idle. Even the idler contributes to the

general activity. In this ever-surging onward rush of life's full

impetuosity, if there be a foolish guide who would plunge himself in the

mid-stream and stand with upraised hands, howling to the generation to halt,

he would certainly be pulverized by the ever-moving flood of life and its

endless activities. Many a hasty Master has made this mistake and has had to

pay for it. Krishna is declaring here only a Universal law for the guidance

of the saints and sages of India that they should not go against the spirit

of the times and be a mere revolt against life's own might and power.


In this stanza is given out the art of guiding mankind, which can be used by

every leader in all societies, be they social workers, or political masters,

or cultural teachers. A society, that is functioning in a particular line of

activity at any given period of history, should not be, all of a sudden,

arrested in its flow, says Krishna, but the leader should fall in line with

the generation, and slowly and steadily guide it to act in the

right-direction, by his own example.


A traveller motoring with the idea of going to Hardwar may miss his way and

speed down towards Saharanpur, but the way to guide him back to the main

road is not to halt him; because, by halting, he will never reach his own

destination, or any other goal. So long as the wheels are not revolving on

the road, distances are not covered. Keeping the wheels on the move, he has

to change the direction of his movements until he comes to his right path,

heading towards Hardwar.


Similarly, man should act and even if he be acting in the WRONG DIRECTION,

through action alone can he come to the RIGHT PATH of diviner activities,

and gain the fulfilment of his Perfection. No 'wise'-man should unsettle his

generation's firm faith in action. He must himself diligently perform the

ordinary actions in a diviner and better fashion, and he must make himself

an example to the world, so that the lesser folk may automatically imitate

him and learn to follow his unfailing footsteps.

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Perfectly said. Cheers.



> Madhava K Turumella [sMTP:madhava]

> Wednesday, April 12, 2000 7:29 AM

> Ramakrishna

> Re: [ramakrishna] Request to all of You ; Important


> -

> <k.r.ranjeesh

> >

> > # Read less , Think more , there is no other way for an evolution ..!!!,

> I

> have

> > never heard anybody got realisation by

> > reading spiritual books , Yesss.......A lonely self journey is

> required

> > !!!!!!!!

> >

> > # Once in a week in the early morning spend some time for the following

> .

> > Think that u are a guru / teacher . write down in U'r diary what is

> U'r

> > advice to them ( Daily sadhana ). Think deeply .

> >

> Rajnish:


> I read your tips with awe! Never the less, I got cleared of the doubt on

> one historical aspect of our religion. That is --- I came to know how

> orthodoxy came in to picture in our religion. Add one more to your

> points.

> Good advises are only for others :-)


> Seriously,

> (1) if you want your readers to " read less " then why do you write at all!

> I

> guess, you can convey with out writing?

> (2) Even if that were the case, why do you advise anyone to write a diary

> of

> thoughts? Aren't you contradicting yourself? You are advising us not to

> read... because you say that by reading no body achieved realization ---

> immediately after saying that you are advising to write a diary...


> For your kind information, there are people who have realized by reading

> the

> holy scriptures. Reading should never be discouraged. Especially saints

> like Paramahamsa and Vivekananda, their teachings are manuals to the

> immortality; their lives are beautiful palaces built for eternal Hindu

> Dharma. Please keep this point in mind.


> CONCLUSIVELY: I would recommend you to keep contemplating on the famous

> Bhagawad Gita sloka (I am sure this works great as a medicine):


> na buddhibheda.n janayedaGYaanaa.n karmasaN^ginaam.h .

> joshhayetsarvakarmaaNi vidvaanyuk{}taH samaacharan.h .. 3.26..


> 26. Let no wise-man unsettle the minds of ignorant-people, who are

> attached

> to action; he should engage them in all actions, himself fulfilling them

> with devotion.


> [Following is the commentary by Swamy Chinmayananda for this sloka]


> The chances are that when a man of equipoise and Self-discovery enters the

> field of activity, he will be tempted to advise his generation on pure

> ethics and abstract ideologies. The generation, misunderstanding the words

> and emphasis of such a Master, might come to a wrong conclusion that, to

> renounce activity was the direct path to Truth. The teachers are warned

> against such a hasty guidance which might damp the enthusiasm of the

> generation to act.


> Life is dynamic. Nobody can sit idle. Even the idler contributes to the

> general activity. In this ever-surging onward rush of life's full

> impetuosity, if there be a foolish guide who would plunge himself in the

> mid-stream and stand with upraised hands, howling to the generation to

> halt,

> he would certainly be pulverized by the ever-moving flood of life and its

> endless activities. Many a hasty Master has made this mistake and has had

> to

> pay for it. Krishna is declaring here only a Universal law for the

> guidance

> of the saints and sages of India that they should not go against the

> spirit

> of the times and be a mere revolt against life's own might and power.


> In this stanza is given out the art of guiding mankind, which can be used

> by

> every leader in all societies, be they social workers, or political

> masters,

> or cultural teachers. A society, that is functioning in a particular line

> of

> activity at any given period of history, should not be, all of a sudden,

> arrested in its flow, says Krishna, but the leader should fall in line

> with

> the generation, and slowly and steadily guide it to act in the

> right-direction, by his own example.


> A traveller motoring with the idea of going to Hardwar may miss his way

> and

> speed down towards Saharanpur, but the way to guide him back to the main

> road is not to halt him; because, by halting, he will never reach his own

> destination, or any other goal. So long as the wheels are not revolving on

> the road, distances are not covered. Keeping the wheels on the move, he

> has

> to change the direction of his movements until he comes to his right path,

> heading towards Hardwar.


> Similarly, man should act and even if he be acting in the WRONG DIRECTION,

> through action alone can he come to the RIGHT PATH of diviner activities,

> and gain the fulfilment of his Perfection. No 'wise'-man should unsettle

> his

> generation's firm faith in action. He must himself diligently perform the

> ordinary actions in a diviner and better fashion, and he must make himself

> an example to the world, so that the lesser folk may automatically imitate

> him and learn to follow his unfailing footsteps.




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> Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> Vivekananda Centre London

> http://www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda/

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