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" What space/time is still a serious unknown. "


Have you come across an article on the web entitled: Kantian (or Hippy)

Physics? Address below




I am not a scientist and I get lost in some of it but there seemed to be

some interesting ideas, eg,


- time and space are " pigeon holes " created by the mind. When the mind

interprets the incoming physical impressions in terms of time then we see

waves. When it interprets in terms of space then we see particles.


- there is a time lag between an impulse reaching the brain and our actual

cognition, which suggests the mind creating a picture based upon the

incoming sense data


- taking certain drugs causes the experience of space & time to alter - does

this effect the brains chemicals & hence the way the picture is formed ?


It is quite a long article & I haven't taken it all in & it gets a bit

technical later on. But I'd be interested in what you or others make of it.

The first point certainly suggests that we do not see reality but reality

filtered through our beliefs & the models which we create to understand the



" We see things not as they are but as we are " - The Talmud


Sounds a bit like the mechanics of Maya.


Kind Regards,



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Since the beginning of the human awareness one of the efforts has

been to gain some understanding of the 'Cause of existence' by

studying the creation around us. Today, we study the physical

universe through various sciences such as, Astronomy, Physics,

Chemistry, and Electronics.


The physical universe is reducible to Matter, Energy, Space, and

Time. These four basic components form the foundation of all things

in the physical universe. The motivating force of life does interact

with the physical universe but it is not an integral part of the

physical universe.


MATTER is that of which any substance is composed of. Wood, iron,

plastic are solid form of matter. They are solid because they resist

any change in shape. Water, oil, drinks are liquid form of matter.

These take the shape of any container into which they are poured, but

they do not necessarily fill it up. Air, hydrogen, oxygen are gaseous

form of matter that expands to fill its container. All matter,

whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, is a tight or loose group of small

particles. These particles, in essence, are a condensed form of



ENERGY is actual or potential motion. A fast moving car has more

kinetic energy than a car moving slowly. A car stopped on a slope has

a potential for motion, or potential energy, which is manifested as

soon as the brakes are released. Energy is experienced as light,

heat, sound, and electricity, but all of these are different forms of

motion. Sound is the perception of the vibratory motion of air

particles against our ear. Energy, such as light, flowing freely in a

vast expanse of space appears as fleeting. But energy constrained in

small space appears as a particle, such as, photons, electrons, and

protons. Energy being motion is essentially a change of location in



SPACE is that which we perceive as dimensions. It is the vast expanse

in which matter exists and energy acts. It is that through which one

looks at things. The characteristic of space is the shapes and sizes

of things and the distances among them. If there were no space there

would be no location and no shapes. All things that exist are

identifiable because they exist separate from each other in their

own " space " . In the final analysis, Space is a viewpoint of



TIME is what we measure by the motion of heavenly bodies and clocks.

We know that time is passing when we see particles changing in space.

But time is not motion because it exists simply by the fact of any

change in the condition of things. The characteristic of Time is

change. Just by the fact that things are persisting - a change from

the condition of non-persistence - we have Time. If there were no

time there would be no change anywhere and nothing would even

persist. Free flowing energy has much less persistence than a solid

particle and therefore has a different " time characteristic "

associated with it. Time, as we are familiar with it, is the result

of an agreed upon rate of change. In the final analysis, Time is a

viewpoint of persistence and change.


The physical universe is a complete stimulus-response system.

Everything in it reacts in a predictable pattern as documented to a

large degree in the laws of physics. By itself, the physical universe

cannot cause anything. It is a created thing - a total effect of the



But the motivating force of life has the characteristic of cause and

therefore it is looked upon as an extension of the Cause. It is not a

created thing, because anything created, by definition, is at effect.

Together with Cause, this motivating force, or spirit, is considered

to form the spiritual universe.


LIFE is an interplay between the spiritual universe (cause) and the

physical universe (effect). The physical universe is simply a big

machinery set in motion and continually acted upon by external Cause

and causes of the spiritual universe.


MATERIALISM only recognizes the Creation and negates the existence of

any Creator or Cause. But, by definition, if there is an EFFECT,

there must be a CAUSE. Materialism tries to explain this away by

pointing to stimulus-response, not realizing that all elements

involved in a stimulus-response behavior are at effect.




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