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Change of Rotation

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Dear Mohit/ Anurag


Do you really believe such stuff?


The fact that some planets get aligned in any specific way from time to

time - at most may cause a (hardly detectable) wobble in Earth's rotation.


Change the direction of rotation ? This happened 5000 years ago?

This seems far fetched.

The wobble observed in the orbit of Mercury was one of the main proofs of

General Relativity. But the ideas in this posting are suspect.




dilip lakhani





Celestial Miracle on May 4-5



Celestial Miracle on May 4-5


On May 4-5 ( Late night of 4th and early Hours of 5th ) we can witness a

Celestial Miracle that occurs once in 5000

Years. All the planets in our solar system fall at 30 Degrees from Earth

thereby causing the Earth's Rotation on its Axis to stop for about one-two

minutes and then continue .

The direction of Earth's further rotation depends either on the movement of

Saturn or Jupiter. If Jupiter moves away from the 30 Degree position earlier

than Saturn the we could be unaffected, BUT if Saturn moves away earlier

than Jupiter, the that could reverse the direction of Earth's Rotation from

the Current West -> East to East

West that would mean we could have Sunrise on West for another 5000 Years.


Has It happened before ? Yes Its Has.... The source of the Information has

Sanskrit Texts to prove that Sunrise in West was a Normal Phenomenon.


How will I know ? Cyclone / Depression in the Bay / etc around May 2-3 2000

could indicate that " CELESTIAL EVENT " is about to happen.


Side-Effects :: Costal Cities could be Inundated with Sea water viz Bombay

could be Underwater, Earth Quakes is most areas of the World including

Paris, New York, Hyderabad.


NOTE : If you read 13.March.2000's paper " THE HINDU " , already Bombay

experienced minor tremors. could it be a warning signal ?


Most Likely Places to be affected : Paris, San Francisco, Bombay, New York




Mohith Keshava Shastry

Imperial College

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