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I was reading one of the articles on Kundalini. And in between came the

refrence to Aura ( Abhaa-Mandal). I am again translating some of the

contents of the article for the benefit of seekers.



There is no object or person in this world that doesn't have a Aura

(Abhaa-Mandal) around it. Every object or a living being keeps emanating

the rays of a special colour or we can say that a ring of rays is present

around every living/non-living object. This ring of rays is called the

Aura or Abhaa-Mandal. Even as non-liivng object as stone has a Aura around

it, even it too rays emanate rays, though its Aura-field is very dim and

asleep ( not that lively). In plants and trees this Aura is stronger as

compared to non-living things and in Birds and animals it's even more

stronger. In Human-Beings Aura is of even higher magnitude.


When the 3d chakra starts getiing awakenened frm then on he is able to see

the Aura of other people. And as the Sadhak progresses further to other

Chakras, his/her perception of it becomes even more clear and distinct.

By analysing the Aura of other person one comes to know lot of things

about other person before hand. Like the disease with which one can suffer

in near future.


If some person is goingto loose his temper then Sadhak comes to know

before hand that the person is going to become angry. Because before the

person can manifest his anger his thoughts change the colour of his Aura.

If someone is going to lie then colour of his/her Aura starts changing

colour very distinctly.


Colours do affect mind in a great way. And according to the state of mind

Aura changes its colour. If one is sitting in a room painted and lighted

in Red Colour then his blood pressure will automatically increase and will

in turn effect the health of a person. If one enters the room painted in

Blue colour then ones Blood Pressure will automatically go down.

Wearing of white clothes naturally leads to the feeling of pureness and

newness. On wearing Black clothes heavyness and non-pious (taamsi)

feelings are eperienced more. Yellow clothes gives a feeling of piousness

and bliss of sadhana. These facts have been obtained through experience.

And these facts get established and proved when the change in the feelings

of one causes a change in the colour of the Aura.


When Vishuddha Chakra gets awakened one can observe the Aura being

dominated by White colour and White colour is that of Atmaa (Soul). But

when saadhak reaches at Agyaa Chakra ( Eye Brow Chakra ) and he/she gets

established in Brahama Body, then Aura changes to orange ( Geruvaa colour

) colour ( colour of the robes generally worn by Sanyasis). Thats why to

strenghten the colour of Aura, Sanyasis who are seeking Brahma Knowledge

wear orchre coloured robes. This is the colour of Glow of Brahma. When

Sahasrar gets awakened then Aura gets dominated by Yellow colour.

Un-doubtfully colours do have lot of importance, thats why its directed

that one should wear different coloured robes in different sadhanas.



Contents of Article ends here





Long back i attended a talk on pranic Healing. And there speake showed

the auras of the person under different emotions. It showed different Aura

pattrens under different mental and diseased conditions. People through

world are doing lot of research on Aura. There are some techniques to

visualise Aura through some instruments but the things still have to come

a long way. But undoubtefully it has been shown through scientific

instruments that Every non-living/living thing has an Aura which is also

called as Bio-electric field.


Kirlian a russian electrician was the first to stumble across Aura. After

that lot of research efforts have been put in to it. Some scientists after

experiencing the healing effects of Pranic Healing, Reiki, Meditation and

Pranayama etc. have started some research in this area.





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