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RE: [ramakrishna] sutra

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Dear Friend-


In reference to the statement to Sri Ramakrishna's statement " It talked of

nothing but sin " ,

I believe he was refering to the later interpretations of the New Testament

by organized sects. Don't forget that Sri Ramakrishna attained samadhi

through the Christian path and had a vision of Jesus, or that the teachings

of Jesus are essentially pure Vedanta. It was the later sects that put the

emphasis on sin. The Christian church even today talks about the " original

sin " of man- that man is essentially impure and polluted and that Christ died

to remove the sin from man.

There is in fact a very heavy emphasis on this point, including the idea of

" eternal damnation " in hell- where sinners will suffer for eternity in their

separation from God. Well, this never made sense to me in Sunday school when

I was a child and I think most people today, even if they profess to be

Christians, don't accept these fantastic, childish beliefs.


I think the primary reason for the decline of religion today in the Christian

world is based on these false metaphysical notions. We in the West have been

greatful to Swami Vivekananda for bringing the message of Vedanta here- the

message that we are pure, infinite, and free- since these were originally the

essential teachings of Jesus.

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The theme of the bible is to redeem people from sin. The idea of salvation

implies that you are condemned now. That is the definition of the word

salvation. The bible begins with the sin committed by Adam and Eve i.e

Original Sin. Therefore, the whole bible aims at removing this sin that

caused the 'fall from grace'. Sri Ramakrishna could have implied this.



> Anurag Goel [sMTP:anurag]

> Tuesday, May 16, 2000 4:43 PM

> Ramakrishna

> [ramakrishna] sutra



> Freinds i seemed to have forwarded this Stura by Shri RamKrishna

> Paramhansa to a friend of mine who is a Christian. He asked me what does

> this mean ?


> I guess he is uncomfortable with the words


> " It talked of nothing but sin "


> Can list help in clarifying this



> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> Tue, 16 May 2000 01:14:57 PDT

> thomas lipscombe <omtatsat98



> ~~~~~~om shanthi om ~~~~~~




> Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.138


> Tuesday 16/5/00


> The Master Said:


> " Once someone gave me a book of the Christians.

> I asked him to read it to me. It talked of nothing but sin.

> The wretch who constantly says, " I am bound, I am bound',

> only succeeds in being bound. He who says day and night,

> 'I am a sinner, I am a sinner' verily becomes a sinner. "


> om tat sat



> ~~~~~~om shanthi om ~~~~~~





> ------

> Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em here:

> http://click./1/4054/3/_/411454/_/958470039/

> ------


> Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> Vivekananda Centre London

> http://www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda/

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  • 3 weeks later...
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What do all of you think of this. I am not abkle to understand it clearly.



On Sat, 3 Jun 2000, Anurag Goel wrote:




> ~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~



> Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.131


> Saturday, 3/6/00


> The Master Said:


> " Well, can you explain this state of my mind?

> Once I was going from BurdwAn to KAmArpukur in a bullock-cart,

> when a great storm arose. Some people gathered near the cart.

> My companions said they were robbers. So I began to repeat

> the names of God, calling sometimes on KAli,

> sometimes on RAma, sometimes on HanumAn.

> What do you think of that? "


> om tat sat



> ~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~


> Extrait du Gospel de Sri Ramakrishna p. 131


> Le samedi, 3/6/00


> Le Maître A Dit:


> " Bien, est-ce que vous pouvez expliquer cet état

> de mon esprit?

> C'est arrivé qu'une fois, en train d'aller

> de BurdwAn à KAmArpukur, dans une boeuf-charrette,

> un grand orage s'est levé. Quelques gens rassemblés

> s'approchent de la charrette.

> Mes compagnon ont dit qu'ils étaient des voleurs.

> Donc j'ai commencé à répète les noms de Dieu,

> J'ai appelé parfois sur KAli,

> Parfois sur RAma, parfois sur HanumAn.

> Qu'est-ce que vous pensez de cela? "


> om tat sat



> ~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~


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