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Interesting info that I came across during the weaked

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Tue, 30 May 2000 08:19:14 -0400

K. Sadananda <sada



Interesting info that I came across during the weaked


I attended a conference of some like-minded people this Saturday and

Sunday. One Dr. Kidambi from Toronto gave a short talk covering the

glories of Hinduism. One important information that he gave us intrigued

my mind. But the information presented was insufficient for me to fully

accept the scientific validity of the facts. Of course, I have no basis

for rejecting the information either. But I would like to share with you

since I am very pleasantly puzzled.

Dr. Kidambi was on his way to attend a yearly meeting on " Sanatana Dharma "

in Houston. He is giving a talk there along with David Fraley? (I am not

sure the spelling is correct).


Here is the summary of the information he presented using visual display

in terms of vu-graphs of the results he collected:


Apparently this happened when Supercomputer technology is becoming

available in England - I think it was in the University of Cambridge - But

I am not sure. One Indian computer specialist, developed a program to

recognize the sound Wave patterns and a program that can project the

interference pattern arising from the sound waves. (Sound waves like

light waves can interfere with each other resulting in interference

pattern. This pattern converted to visual image will look like grid of



In his experiments, the scientist got hold of Lalita Sahasra Naamaavali

recorded authentically with proper intonations and He used that sound

pattern to see what kind of interference pattern it would give rise to

using his program. He had to use the supercomputer to generate the pattern.

The results, as Dr. Kidambi projected on the screen, was startling. I

cannot describe that in words - but it was not smeared diffuse pattern

that result when we play any record but was highly defined geometrical grid

pattern somewhat similar to what the Indian ladies decoratively draw using

while or color flour in front of the house - we call in south as 'kolam'.


The second feature of his work was related to holographic three D-

projection using these interference pattern. He used this geometrical

picture that he got out of 'Lalita Sahasra Naamavali' and generated a

holographic image of that. - The result was even more startling. It

resulted in the holographic image of a Goddess looking like " Lalita' as

pictured in the scriptures.


I was told - When the news came out - the immediate result was the

scientist was kicked out of the University in the pretext that he misused

the supercomputer (apparently it did utilize lot of memory) and we donot

know whereabouts of this gentleman now.


As usual I am very skeptical about these results, but if this is really

true, it is extremely profound and startling. There have been always

statements from our masters that Vedas and the mantras have to be properly

pronounced with proper intonations and sound has a profound effect. But if

the above results are really true, here is methodology that utilizes the

scientifically validatable tools that can result in profound impact in

terms of the validity of our mantras and chantings that were taught very



Dr. Kidambi assured me that he is going to send me all the information he

has for me to look carefully.

- I would like to get to the facts in terms of how much of this is really

true - what exactly was done in England and how much of it is sensational

and how much of these are facts and what is the degree of reproducibility

of the results. Even if University of Cambridge or whatever tried to

suppress the results (with presumed fear that it puts Hinduism in different

lime light), why not the methodology tried at other palaces - particularly

now when computer memory is cheap).


But Dr. Kidambi presentation intrigued me and some of you in the list may

already be familiar with it. If the results are true and reproducable

then what kind of patterns will results for other vedic and pouranic

chantings and mantras that have been handed down through generations?

These questions are intriguing and worth exploring before accepting or

rejecting the results. If this is true then, I would like explore if

there are avenues available to investigate further specificity,

reproducability, etc., of these claims.


Hari Om!





K. Sadananda

Code 6323

Naval Research Laboratory

Washington D.C. 20375

Voice (202)767-2117


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