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FWD: [swamivivekananda] Fwd: Attention Sri Kalhan Sanyal

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kalhan sanyal <kalhan


May 19, 2000 7:33:59 AM GMT

[swamivivekananda] Fwd: Attention Sri Kalhan Sanyal




" kalhan Sanyal " <kalhansanyal


May 16, 2000 11:39:20 AM GMT

Fwd: Attention Sri Kalhan Sanyal






" Advaita Ashrama " <advaita


Attention Sri Kalhan Sanyal

Sat, 13 May 2000 10:06:33 +0530


Dear Sri Sanyal,


Many thanks for your kind email.

We are attaching herewith our Appeal letter as per your message for your

necessary action to take.


With love and best wishes,

Swami Bodhasarananda


Visit us at http://www.advaitaonline.com . mail

Advaita Ashrama, 5 Dehi Entally Road, Calcutta 700 014, India







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" They Alone Live,Who Live For Others "


Swami Vivekananda


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for funds for the purchase of a plot of land contiguous

to our Ashrama for extension of our existing charitable,

educational, cultural and other welfare activities




5 Dehi Entally Road

Calcutta 700 014, India

E-mail: mail

Web-site: www.advaitaonline.com










Ashrama is an important publication centre of the

Ramakrishna Math and Mission, and is well known to

devotees and admirers of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda. Our translations of

the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and other important

scriptures have been highly praised by scholars all over

the world. If our readers have been stirred by our

literature and made conscious of their service to the

poor, or if they have attained peace and happiness, our

endeavours have been amply rewarded. Though our efforts

and achievements may be inadequate in comparison to the

need, yet we know that honest and sincere work cannot go

in vain when it proceeds from intense feeling.Besides

we are carrying out the following activities:



Maintaining a library-cum-Reading Room for

the benefit of the general public

An Auditorium for holding scriptural classes

and cultural programmes

Distributing doles, clothes, medicine and

giving pecuniary help to poor people

Running a 25 bed Charitable Hospital at

Mayavati (Himalayas)

Publication of a monthly magazine Prabuddha Bharata (Awakened

India) started by Swami Vivekananda, now in

its 105th year.



For a long time we have been suffering from acute shortage of space. To tide over the situation, we have purchased land just behind our Ashrama at a price of Rs.2.14 crore. We took loan of Rs. 30 lac and collected donations and have paid Rs. 1 crore to the owners on 25th April 2000 to take possession of the land. The balance of Rs. 1.14 crore has to be paid to them in 4 instalments within 8 months. You can understand how difficult it is for us to cough up such a whopping amount within a short time. We hope you will help us in this hour of need. The local government has exempted us from paying stamp duty and registration fees which has helped us in saving lot of money.

We appeal to you to contribute generously for the above project. All donations are to be sent by A/c payee Cheques / Drafts in favour of Advaita Ashrama, Calcutta. These donations qualify for income tax exemption under section 80-G.

If the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission have achieved any success in its endeavour to serve people in various fields, it is mainly due to the help from generous people like you.

We hope you will consider our request and help us serve humanity in a true spirit of worship.


Yours in the Lord

Swami Bodhasarananda


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