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RE: Vedic Health

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Wed, 31 May 2000 12:46:11 +0300

Madhava K. Turumella <madhava



RE: Vedic Health


If some Rishi is wild or Devata is wild or Chandas is wild, then going

through this process of emergence of Samhita and emergence of Rishi,


Chand, emergence of Samhita and emergence of Rishi, Devata, Chand -going


through this process that particular part of the body, the> physiology


it, will get remodeled, will get repaired, will get repaired.





Madhava Replies:



I would like to add some thing more. The " Sandhi " that is mentioned here

has got a greater meaning. The world that is visible to the five sense

organs, the world that is imagined by the Mind and Intellect (antahkarana)

AND the world that is witnessed during deep sleep all these have got a

common Sandhi. That is the self. You can penetrate the physical world by

uttering certain Mantras. It is not an exaggeration to say that a

purascaraNa siddha (one who has practiced enough) can establish a direct

contact with the world of devatas. It is like having a different vision.


The world of demi-gods is in front of us, we just don't see... How often we

come across the Seers, Saints, Gods while we are on the way to our office!

What if we knew that the old man who just passed by is a Demi-God who is on

his way to some where! Don't we feel sad to find that we met someone very

special but didn't know what is their hidden potential? Yes, we do... but

unfortunately, we feel that we are helpless. There are Yakshas, Gandhrvas,

Kinneras, Kimpurushas who move around in visible form to our five sense

organs, yet invisible to our mind and intellect (i.e. we just don't get to

know them)....


I heard that there are beings exist which can not see the third dimension

which we humans see... We are limited in our own vision. A third eye is

required to see the world of Heaven. Acquiring this third eye requires

proper knowledge. " vidyA saMdhiH " (taittireeya upanishad). The proper

knowledge is hidden in the form of veda mantras. Once the mantra devata

gets pleased with your penance (which you do through chanting and offering

the havis) she will come and stand in front of you. This whole process of

opening the door, which is also called as sandhi, to the heaven is called as

Yagna. As per nirukta yagna means " yagana, yAcana " offering proper

pleasing ritual, and then asking for certain things.


Bhagawad Gita advises us to perform yagna in order to please the devatas,

having pleased by us they also will try to please us by offering good health

and bestowing food. Thus, mutually helping each other, we shall attain the

highest. They can help us getting rid of certain ailments, because they can

see the root cause for the ailment, which we do not see...


dEvAn bhAvayatAnEna tEdEvA bhAvayaMtuvaH

parasparaM bhAvayaMtaH SrEyaH paramavApsyadhA ||


Ten years ago, I experimented with certain mantras and have seen the

adhishTAna dEvatAs in their form. Also I am punished terribly for not

pleasing certain devatas after calling them. I called certain devatas who

are supposed to be called to achieve certain targets. But with out having

any target in mind, I called them --- just out of curiosity of looking at

them. This has caused a lot of problems. It is just like calling a Chief

Executive Officer of a very big firm in order to gossip. Certainly they

will not get pleased once they find that you are calling with out any work.

Actually, I overlooked the warning of my teacher and Bhagwad Gita. They

asked me to be careful of " pratyavAya " . (nEhAbhikrama nASOsti, *pratyavAyO*

na vidyatE - Bhagawad Gita) Overlooking the PratyavAya taught me terrible

lessons. I shall write about them in future.


How ever, there is immense pleasure in pleasing the devatas. With their

help, one can do a lot of good to the world. Their where abouts are hidden

in vedas. Especially, Krishna Yajurveda. Though people stress the

importance of Rigveda, personally, I felt that Krishna Yajurveda is a mine

field of special prayers, which can help you in certain healing process

called Vedic Healing.



I remain yours,


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