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RE: (ramakrishna) Digest Number 474

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Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

Vivekananda Centre London




There are 8 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. VML-6/18/00

ananta <sarada

2. VML-6/17/00

ananta <sarada

3. Avadhuta Gita

" Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

4. Marathi / Natraj

" Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

5. Re: Digest Number 472


6. sutra

Anurag Goel <anurag

7. Basic questions.

" Gopi Krishna " <gopi

8. VML-6/19/00

ananta <sarada






Message: 1

Sun, 18 Jun 2000 09:04:05 -0400

ananta <sarada



One other idea the dualists preach. They protest against the idea of

praying to God, " Lord, give me this and give me that. " They think that

should not be done. If a man must ask some material gift, he should

ask inferior beings for it; ask one of these gods, or angels or a

perfected being for temporal things. God is only to be loved. It is

almost a blasphemy to pray to God, " Lord, give me this, and give me

that. " According to the dualists, therefore, what a man wants, he will

get sooner or later, by praying to one of the gods; but if he wants

salvation, he must worship God. This is the religion of the masses of








Message: 2

Sun, 18 Jun 2000 11:21:17 -0400

ananta <sarada



The perfected soul, if it wishes, can take any form; it is able to

take a hundred bodies, if it wishes. or have none at all, if it so

desires. It becomes almost almighty, except that it cannot create;

that power belongs to God alone. None, however perfect, can manage

the affairs of the universe: that function belongs to God. But all

souls, when they become perfect, become happy for ever and live

eternally with God. This is the dualistic statement.







Message: 3

Mon, 19 Jun 2000 08:23:21 +0100

" Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

Avadhuta Gita


Song of the ever - free


Avadhuta Gita


Chapter Four

Verse 1


Brahman cannot be invoked or abandoned, because it is formless.

Therefore, what is the use of offering flowers and leaves or

practising meditation and repeating the mantra?

How can one worship that Supreme Beatitude in which

both unity and diversity are merged?











Message: 4

Mon, 19 Jun 2000 08:27:03 +0100

" Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

Marathi / Natraj


Does any list member have any idea if Swami Vivekananda

was fluent in Marathi? This question was sent by Uday.


There is another question posted by Gopi Krishna - can any list member help

with that?







'Vivekananda Centre' <vivekananda

19 June 2000 07:18

A small doubt



Hi Jay,


Was Swami Vivekananda fluent in Marathi? I am posting Swami Vivekananda's

quotes daily on our Company Bulletin Board and I get doubts from many of the


employees. Some of them are quite trivial, like this one..


Thought, may be u can help me...



" Let Noble thoughts come to us from all directions. "

-Rig Veda







I have a very basic question to ask. Kindly do not be surprised and bear

with me if it sounds too childish to ask such simple question. But, all the

more, I wish to know the exact purpose and bhava behind praying. Of course,

many people have given me different answers, but I wish to know from you all


as well.


1. Why one should pray? Can one pray for others? If yes, then when one is

praying for others, if a bad thought crosses the mind, does it effect the

person for whom we are praying? Does prayer remove the impending

(preordained, or as we call it destiny) troubles in life?


2. I wish to have the five slokas of Sri Adi Sankaracharya virachita Manisha


Panchakam along with its meaning and commentary, if possible.


Thanks and Regards




P. Gopi Krishna


e-mail: gopi










Message: 5

Mon, 19 Jun 2000 02:27:15 -0500


Re: Digest Number 472



Hi! All,

Had been to a bhajan and talk last week. Wanted to highlight one very

important point said during the talk :-

" There are no material solutions to any material problems.

Today's material problems were yesterday's material solutions.

Tommorrow's material problems are today's material solutions. "


" There can only be spiritual solutions to material problems. "


It's something so simple but still I had to be reminded of it. Common sense


not all that common after all. :)


Thats it...

Love at His Feet,








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Message: 6

Mon, 19 Jun 2000 15:47:19 +0530 (IST)

Anurag Goel <anurag




~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~



Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.151


Monday 19/6/00


The Master Said:


" Once a man said to me, 'Sir, can you teach me quickly

the thing you call samAdhi?

After a man has attained samAdhi all his actions drop away.

All devotional activities, such as worship, japa,

and the like, as well as all worldly duties,

cease to exist for such a person. "


om tat sat



~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~



Extrait du Gospel de Sri Ramakrishna p.151


Lundi 19/6/00 Le Maître Dit:


" C'est arrivé une fois qu'un homme disait à moi,

'Monsieur, pouvez-vous m'enseigner rapidement la chose que

vous appelez le samAdhi?

Après qu'un homme a atteint le samAdhi, toute ses actions

s'en aller l'un après l'autre. Toutes les activités de dévotion,

telles que le culte, le japa, et les semblables,

aussi bien que tous des fonctions mondaines, cessent d'exister

pour une telle personne. "


om tat sat


~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~











Message: 7

Mon, 19 Jun 2000 14:39:46 +0530

" Gopi Krishna " <gopi

Basic questions.




I have a very basic question to ask. Kindly do not be surprised and bear

with me

if it sounds too childish to ask such simple question. But, all the more, I


to know the exact purpose and bhava behind praying. Of course, many people


given me different answers, but I wish to know from you all as well.


1. Why one should pray? Can one pray for others? If yes, then when one is

praying for others, if a bad thought crosses the mind, does it effect the


for whom we are praying? Does prayer remove the impending (preordained, or

as we

call it destiny) troubles in life?


Thanks and Regards




P. Gopi Krishna

South Asia Multidisciplinary Advisory Team (SAAT)

International Labour Organisation (ILO)

Third Floor, Theatre Court

India Habitat Centre

Lodhi Road

New Delhi - 110 003



Off. Tel. No., 02, 03, 06 & 07.

Res. Tel. No.

Fax No. & 4602111

e-mail: gopi








Message: 8

Mon, 19 Jun 2000 06:07:24 -0400

ananta <sarada



The real Vedanta philosophy begins with those known as the qualified

non-dualists. They make the statement that the effect is never

different from the cause; the effect is but the cause reproduced in

another form. If the universe is the effect and God the cause, it

must be God Himself-it cannot be anything but that. They start with

the assertion that God is both the efficient and the material cause

of the universe; that He Himself is the creator, and He Himself is

the material out of which the whole of nature is projected.




Today we continue Swamiji's lecture called:



(Delivered in America)


This is a part of a daily study of the lectures and writings of Swami

Vivekananda. All lectures are sent out in sequenced form, as he spoke



Please tell a friend about this Vivekananda Mailing list and study group.

To or send a message to sarada.







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