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Krishna janamashtami

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On the occasion of Krishna Janmastami let us pray that lord to safely

lead us in the spiritual path.


vinA yasya dhyAnaM vrajati pashutAM sUkaramukhAM

vinA yasya GYAnaM janimR^itibhayaM yAti janatA |

vinA yasya smR^ityA kR^imishatajaniM yAti sa vibhuH

sharaNyo lokesho mama bhavatu kR^iShNo .axiviShayaH ||

(shankara's kR^iShNAShTaka)


Without meditating on whom a person becomes (is reborn as)

an animal such as a hog, without knowing whom people are

afflicted by the fear of birth and death, without remembering

whom one attains birth among various kinds of worms and insects,

may that all pervading Lord, the Lord of the world, Krishna, the

protector of those who seek refuge in Him, be the object of my



Let me also add, what Swamy Vivekananda has to say about Lord Krishna

who is also called as Yogeshwara(Master of yoga), Purushottama(the

gratest among human beings), and like that with thousands of names.


" But the greatest...is Sri Krishna, who according to Swami Vivekananda,

is the first great teacher in the history of the world to discover and

proclaim the grand truths of love for love's sake and duty for duty's

sake. Born in the prison, brought up by the cowherds, subjected to all

kinds of tyranny by the most despotic monarchy of the day, and derided

by the orthodox. Krishna still rose to be the greatest saint,

philosopher, and reformer of his age. All the greatest sages and most

immaculate saints of his time pay him devine honours; they consider him

the best and most perfect among spiritual men of the age, and with one

voice acclaim him as divinity manifest on earth, looking up to him for

light and guidance...

In him we find the ideal householder and ideal sannyasin, the hero of a

thousand battle who knew no defeat., the terror of despots, sycophants,

hypocrites, sophists and pretenders, the master statesman, the uncrowned

monarch, the king-maker who had no ambition for himself. He was a friend

of the poor, the week,and the distressed, the champion of the rights of

the women and the social and spiritual enfranchisement of the Sudra and

even the untouchables, and perfect ideal of detachment. In him again we

find the perfect harmony of " jnAna " ,bhAkthi and karma -of head,heart and

hand " .



sarvam vasudevamayam jagath


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