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Psychology in Politics



A couple of opposing candidates for county office happened

to be sitting next to each other in the local diner. One

turned to the other and said,

" You know why I'm going to win this election? Because

of my personal touch. For example, I always tip waitresses

really well and then ask them to vote for me. "


" Oh, really? " replied the other. " I always tip them a

nickel and ask them to vote for you! "




At one point during a game, the coach said to one of his young

players, " Do you understand what cooperation is? What a team is? "


The little boy nodded in the affirmative.


" Do you understand that what matters is whether we win together as a

team? "


The little boy nodded yes.


" So, " the coach continued, " when a strike is called, or you're out at

first, you don't argue or curse or attack the umpire. Do you

understand all that? "


Again the little boy nodded.


" Good, " said the coach.


" Now go over there and explain it to your mother "



Via Jody


" The difference between genius and stupidity

is that genius has its limits. "


- Albert Einstein



Quick Wit:


A father often read Bible stories to his young children, One

day he read, " The man named Lot was warned to take his wife

and flee out of the city, but his wife looked back and was

turned to salt. "


His son asked, " What happened to the flea? "



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