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celibacy, etc.

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> (b) It drains the energy needed for spiritual progress.

> We all have finite supply of this energy.


Dear Jay, and others,


Very few gifted young persons are endowed with the power of overcoming

lust. For such persons only Raja Yoga is advocated and is possible.

For most of us who can be labeled as 'Grihastha' - worldly people -

the path of raja yoga is full of thorns, with a few petals of roses.

Ramakrishna was very practical for he knew the weaknesses of ordinary

souls and advised the married people to live 'like brother and sister'

after one or two issues. When this was not possible Ramakrishna,

reluctantly though, said married couple can have sex occasionally.


For most of us path of devotion coupled with jnana is desirable. When

a disciple of Ramakrishna wanted to know how lust could be conquered,

RK told him to repeat the name of Lord constantly! Similarly, once a

disciple of Ma Saradadevi announced that he had overcome the lust.

Alarmed at such an improper boasting, Mataji said, " My son, never say

you have overcome lust, for who knows when would it enter your mind with

alarming intensity resulting in downfall. "


Thus utility of Raja Yoga for us is limited. In fact, out of eight limbs

of Patanjali Yoga system the first four - yama, niyama, asana,

pranayama - can be kept at a low profile initially, and emphasis may be

given on withdrawing sense organs from the sense objects - Pratyahara -

and concentration of mind - Dharana. If one can control the senses and

the mind, celibacy, ahimsa, truthfulness, asana, and breath control

automatically becomes the part of our sadhana.


Along with brahmacharya, I feel, it is also necessary for a true

sadhaka to withdraw himself/herself from other distracting sources of

" energy loss " . For example, kanchana - 'gold' is equally, if not more

harming as kamini.



c s shah



Ramakrishna wrote:

> =======

> Further comment:-


> There is a tendency to dilute ideas of celibacy...


> jay


> ______________________

> ______________________




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