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Gita chapter 2 continued...

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The Gita 3


Chapter Two continued...


Sri Krishna says, " O Arjuna, you grieve over those who should not be

grieved for, and yet speak like the learned -Pundit! Wise men do not

sorrow over the dead or the living. " (Verse 11)


Why does the Lord say not to feel sorry for the men - dead or alive? In

our daily life we are elated when our near and dear ones excel in some

endeavour or gain success in some field of activity, competition, or

achievement. This all pleases us while failure makes us unhappy.

Similarly, new arrival in the family is celebrated with jubilation and

parties, while death in the family is mourned as a blow and irreparable

loss. Similar emotions filled the heart of Arjuna, and this appears to

be normal to us. We may not be able to fathom the metaphysics behind the

teachings of Sri Krishna.


Therefore, it absolutely necessary to understand why the Lord laughed at

seemingly sensible arguments of Arjuna; and, moreover, most importantly

we should try to understand the reasons put forth by Sri Krishna in

favor of his arguments to justify that the grief of Arjuna was misplaced

and ill founded.


The verses 12 to 30 of chapter second, therefore, form the theoretical

basis of the Gita. They give us the highest philosophical truths about

our true nature. These verses, if understood correctly, lead us to

highest knowledge, and free us from anxiety, stress, and depression so

much prevalent in today's society. It is equally important to understand

one more thing. Even if you at present do not understand the deep

metaphysical truths contained in the exposition of the subject in the

Gita (and Upanishads as well), do not lose heart. Just accept them as

Truth on the basis of faith. Gradually, with proper reasoning, spiritual

practices, and the Grace of the Lord everyone is sure to have glimpse of

this Truth contained in the gem-like words of Sri Krishna.


The reason why Sri Krishna tells Arjuna not to grieve for Kauravas is

that no one can be killed, for everyone is immortal souls and not the

body! The verse 12 says, " There was never a time when I was not or when

you or these kings were not, nor is it a fact that hereafter we shall

cease to be. " It is difficult to accept and understand this verse, for

it seems very obvious that when I die I shall cease to be, I will be no

more! But the Lord says 'you shall never die!' You are immortal. How to

reconcile these two opposing interpretations?


The illumination comes when we listen carefully to the words of Sri

Krishna. He says what perishes is the body, and not the Self - Atman -

which is the substratum of the reality of body. We are not the body mind

complexes, but our true nature is eternal and imperishable Reality that

is beyond body-mind compendium. It is all pervading, pure, blissful, and

transcendental Consciousness, which the Upanishad call as Atman. And how

can this deathless, birthless, ever lasting Atman can ever be

annihilated, destroyed or killed! It is not affected in the least by the

changes in the body and the mind.


continued Gita 4...


dr c s shah

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