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After glancing over the comments on morality and reading Shree Shreedhar's

post, I though I should say something from my understanding.


Morality or value system is termed - Dharma.


There are two types - Ethical and religious.


All moral issues are not relative.


There are three types of values - 1. Universal, 2. relative and 3. personal.


Universal values - These are basic ethical values - One should tell the

truth, one should not steal. One should not be proud. One should not hurt

others. One should be compassionate to others etc.


These are universal because, irrespective of place and time, one expects

these from others. Every one, whether a saint or sinner, civilized or

tribal, including a notorious liar, irrespective of time and place, wants

others to tell him/her the truth - hence telling the truth is a value. None

including a notorious thief, does not want his wealth to be stolen by



A simple rule those it is my dharma to follow those values that I want

others to follow towards me. I want others not to lie, not to steal, be

compassionate and forgive my mistakes, not to hurt me - Krishna Gives in

B.G. say in 13th chapter - in response to what is j~naanam - value system

one should follow that leads one to oneself - with no internal conflicts.

Like wise it is my dharma not do things to others that I do not want others

do to me.


Assimilated and unassimilated values:


When I want others to follow but I don’t myself follow - that is an

assimilated value. I want everyone one to tell me the truth - Hence I

appreciate the value of that value. That is my intellect knows the value.

Yet when I lie because of my likes and dislikes - there is an internal

conflict. Intellect says what is right and mind want to follow what is

temporarily advantages. - The divergence between the mind and intellect is

the sin. My consciousness pricks and I suffer. I am punished by the sin and

not for the sin.


Ultimately value is not for value sake - it is for me sake so that I am

comfortable with myself. I want my mind agitation free and that is the mind,

which is pure and contemplative and ready to learn. Hence Krishna instead

of answering directly what is j~naanam teaches first values and then

describe j`neyam what is to be known when the mind is ready.


Conflict between Values: When I have two values in conflict, I have to make

a decision which one to follow - I may end up in a situation where I have to

compromise one against the other. I have value for truth versus value for

money. I may not tell a lie for a dollar but how about a million dollars.

Here one should understand what the value of the value is. Money is not for

money sake but for my sake. If in the end, I am agitated out of that

compromise then it is a wrong compromise.


The same applies in terms of telling the truth versus killing etc. Hence

most of the dharmaas are taught in the story form to show how our mahatmas-s

have handled these situations. Harischandra story tell a story prevailing

at his times the value system - When the two universal values came into

conflict how he acted. We find a different situation when Krishna advises

Dharmaja to lie about the death of ashvatthaama. Here Dharma Krishna

emphasizing is different period of time when higher dharma has to prevail to

accomplish the destruction of the group who are in support of adharma. In

conflicts advice from wise is always helpful so that one can make the right



Relative values: By the very term they are of value for a given place and

time. Smoke and alcohol is not allowed in our house. I expect my guests to

follow as long as they are in my house. Neither I would expect anyone to

force me smoke or drink anywhere else. These are values that are specific to

families, imposed traditionally. A simple fact is eating with right hand.

We follow and teach our children too to follow.


There are personal values too - For example I like Potato or carrot. That is

a personal value and just because I like, I cannot force that value on

others - It is like lilliput story which side one should open the egg!


Now about the Vegetarianism - It is not that relative either. I have written

an article that got circulated several years ago in different list serves.

If Jay is interested to post in this list, I will find out and send him.


Hari Om!








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