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Some thing really serious ! ! !

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For those who like HASYA YOGA . . .


Sometimes it can happens that U will not be able to laugh at the joke , then

think about your pity state ( wasting time .. )

and laugh .. Never miss a chance to laugh ...


> Instructor giving a lecture on the population explosion: " Somewhere on

> this globe, every ten seconds, there is a woman giving birth to a child. "

> One student, a sardar, immediately stands up and says: " She must be

> found and stopped, sir! "



> An Englishman, an American and a Sardarji are called upon to test a lie

> detector. The Englishman says: " I think I can empty 20 bottles of

> beer " .

> BUZZZZZZ, goes the lie detector.

> " Ok " , he says, " 10 bottles " .

> And the machine is silent.

> The American says: " I think I can eat 15 hamburgers " .

> BUZZZZZZ, goes the lie detector.

> " Allright, 8 hamburgers " .

> And the machine's silent.

> The Sardarji says: " I think... " ,

> BUZZZZZZ goes the machine.



> Santa singh bought two horses, and could never remember which was

> which.

> A

> neighbor suggested that he cut the tail of one horse and that worked

> great

> until the other horse got his tail caught in a bush. It tore just right

> and

> looked exactly like the other horse's tail and our friend was stuck

> again.

> The neighbor suggested Santa notch the ear of one horse. That worked

> fine

> until the other horse caught his ear on a barbed wire fence. Once again

> our

> friend couldn't tell them apart.

> The neighbor suggested he measure the horses for height. When he did,

> he

> was

> very pleased to find that the white horse was 2 inches taller than the

> black.




> Iqbal Singh is travelling from Moscow to turbanPore (Capital of

> Khalistan)

> by Kothi Pacific. Seated besides him is Gary Kasparov. Gary asks him

> whether

> he would like to play chess to kill time.

> Iqbal goes " He he! you think I don't know who you are? I wouldn't like

> to

> compete with a world champion " Gary: " How about if I play left handed? "

> Iqbal [Think.. Think..]: " OK! "

> Iqbal is demolished in 5 moves..and is very upset through-out the rest

> of

> the journey. On landing he meets his friend guldu Sherab Singh.

> Iqbal: Hey! U know what! I played Chess with Gary Kasparov and he

> defeated

> me inspite of him playing left-handed.

> Sherab: He he he!! He sure did fool you!! You know what!! Gary is



> ------

> --

> --

> -------------------

> Three dead bodies turn up at the mortuary, all with very big smiles on

> their

> faces. A Detective Inspector is sent and is taken straight to the first

> body.

> " This guy was an Englishman, 60, died of heart failure while making

> love

> to

> his mistress. Hence the enormous smile Inspector " , says the mortuary

> chief.

> The DI nods understandingly and is taken to the second dead man.

> " This was an American, 25, won 124 million dollars in the PowerBall,

> spent

> it all on booze. Died of alcohol poisoning, hence the contended smile. "

> " Nothing unusual here " , thinks the DI, and asks to be shown the last

> body.

> " Ah, " says the chief, " this is the most unusual one, a Sardar, 30,

> struck by

> lightning. "

> " Why is he smiling then? " inquires the Inspector.

> " Thought he was having his picture taken, " replies the chief

> ------

> --------

> ------

> --------


> In a party one of Zail Singh's friends asked him how many chappathis he

> could eat in an empty stomach.

> Zail replied " Seven " . Then his friend told him " When you eat the first

> chappathi your stomach is no longer empty. Then how can you eat

> seven?? " .

> Zail was impressed by this tricky question. So as soon as he went back

> home

> he asked his wife " How many chappathis can you eat in an empty

> stomach?? " .

> She replied " Five " .

> Then Zail told " Shit!! If only you had told seven I had a nice reply

> for

> it "







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