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Free Will [ramakrishna] Digest Number 635

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One or two years back i came across with two beautiful stories let me

share them with you.


Once someone asked Mullah Nasurudin Whats Fate ?


He said fold ur one leg. He again asked the person to fold the only leg

on which he was standing. He was unable to do so. Mullah said this is



Situations will come before us but how we react to them is the most

important. The decision taken by us will lead us to one the paths which

becomes our life.



One Buddha was traveling with one disciple of his. Disciple wanted to know

can future be predicted. So he asked buddha will that plant on the road

side live. Buddha thought or went in to subconcious for sometime and said

yes the plant can live. Disciple went to the plant and uprroted in that

very instant and threw it away ;). Then they followed their jouney. While

they were returning they went through the same path. and disciple was very

much surprised to find that the plant still alive. Then Buddha explained

to him. What i saw in the plant was does plant have the desire to live.

Plant had the desire to alive. So even though you had uprooted him. Even

then the plant was trying hard to stay alive and it so happened that winds

came storm came and rains came and plat holded on to it.



If we can know whats ones capabilities are, what desires oen has, what

does one strive for. Then to some degree of accuracy we can say that how

the persons life in future is going to be. Its just like

conditional probability. More the conditions better will be the

probability for something to come true.


I have come across some people who can look in to future. N i myself tried

a few hands at it. I am quite far from perfection in to it. But many a

times i get a feel of before hand whats going to happen in future.



Due to our past lives acts different situations will come in our life. But

the free will lies in how will we react to them. One might be faced with

toughest situations but if one has the strong will power then one can come

out of that situation by playing according to ones will power.


Soul is never bound. And mind is in control of soul. And body is in

control of mind and soul. To a




Freeness of mind and the degree to which ones soul is revealed will

determine how much will power one has. Enlightened onw has the full

control over nature and the incidents that happen in world. but he doesn't

ineterfere with them and just does things like an observer. He is an

observer to the whole creation and the play of whole manisfestation.


Lets look at the game of billiards. If u strike some ball then there is a

probability that the same ball can rebound and strike ur own ball as it

interacts with other balls. I think thats what happens with us too. When

we do act. We throw the system of this people and nature in to action now

its very likely that this sytem will react and at some point some people

which are the part of this system will react to us by posing a situation

sooner or later may be in this life or the next life.



So whatever we reap is whatever we might have sowed at some point our

present or past lives.



I came across a sadhana through which u can fix when, where and to whom

one wants to get born in future lives. So the birth can be totally in our

hands. But that happen only when Gurudev shower his blessings on us.



The path to enlightment is always open to all. One who walks on this path

in all devotion becomes more capable of getting freeing from the bondages

of death, marriage n parents. Meaning then he decides when will these

things happen to him rather then these things deciding when will they

entrap him/her.


Icchaa Mrityu can be like that of Bhishma Pitaamaha. Although he had the

boon od dying at his wish. But his body was lying there pierced with

thousands of arrows. I don't know exactaly how Bhishma Pitamaha gave up

his physical body. May Be Madhava or any other list members who have

scriptureas or are aware of it can throw some say something about the

bodily death of Bhishma Pitamaha.



Fate can present some situation before you but if you have the force,

knowledge and power of doing away with that situation then you make your

own fate. and a person who has a Guru and is on own spiritual path has an

ample amount of such power.



Let me conclude that for a person who is enlightened or who has the power

of handling the situations that can come in his life can change his fate.





> Message: 1

> Thu, 7 Dec 2000 18:47:11 -0000

> " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

> Re: Question


> An interesting question from one of our A/S level students who is

> manning (or woman-ing!!) a website for youngsters. I would like the

> opinion from list members.


> jay....


> -

> <Devia.Ravji

> <vivekananda

> Thursday, December 07, 2000 01:48

> Question



> > Is fate fixed!!!

> >

> > Some people say that some events in your life are fixed & the rest is make

> > up as you go along.

> >

> > The fixed bits are Janam (birth), Parents, Lagan & Maran (marriage and

> death).

> >

> > Your opinion would be duly welcomed by our website.

> >

> > Thanks

> ==================

> Reply:


> This question: Is there free will? -- has bothered philosophers for a long

> time.

> The more elaborate question:

> Is Hindu belief: That birth, death and marriage are predestined, true?



> I am going to throw this question open to our list.

> Let us see how the list reacts.


> regards

> Vivekananda Centre



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