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RE: For those that hear, Christ's Words and Life which He inspire d in His Testiment resonate the Single I abiding in Oneness

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Dear Pieter


I humbly beg to differ in opinion. There are certain lines in the Gospel of

Thomas which are explicit in claiming Heaven to be omnipresent. Those

verses do not even require an intepretation. One such verse is this:


3 Jesus said, " If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is

in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you,

'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the FATHER'S

kingdom is within you and it is outside you. When you know yourselves, then

you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the

living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty,

and you are the poverty. "

The above verse clearly states the omnipresence of God's Kingdom or Atma or

Brahman, much akin to the Upanishadic statement, Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma

(all is brahman). And the verse is also emphatic about self-knowledge.

References such as these are not found in the new testament, unfortunately,

to my knowledge. Only Luke 17:21 comes close to it.




> Pieter Schoonheim Samara [sMTP:pietersa]

> Tuesday, December 12, 2000 4:38 AM

> K Kathirasan ADM NCS

> Cc: Ramakrishna ; satsangh; NondualitySalon

> For those that hear, Christ's Words and Life which He

> inspired in His Testiment resonate the Single " I " abiding in Oneness


> Luckily, for those that never heard of the write up attributed to Thomas,

> the non-dual teachings of Christ already resonate very clearly in the New

> Testament, being that all His teachings revealed only the non-dual Truth,

> flashing forth in words of such innate power themselves as to awaken every

> one that hears. Thus, the write up of others, while interesting and maybe

> supplementary reading, like Meister Eckhart, St. Thomas Aquinas, St.

> Augustine, St.John of the Cross and others are not necessary to realizing

> awakening and abiding a That Truth.


> Actually, the non-dual teachings of Christ in the New Testament are

> considerably more profound and powerful than the write up attributed to

> Thomas, which may be the hidden reason that He (through whom this world

> has become manifest) did not include this weaker write up, as the

> Apocrypha and many others were not (if they were was from that period) to

> come into His Testament.

> _____



> Namaste


> The non dual teachings of Christ are very explicitly stated in the Gospel

> of

> Thomas, which unfortunately does not appear in the New Testament for

> unknown (or hidden) reasons. Please read it and...... become one with it.



> Visit the site: <http://home.epix.net/~miser17/Thomas.html>

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