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Swami Vivekananda: 7

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Swami Vivekananda: The Universal Man (7)


After this meeting Narendra was forced to change many of his

preconceived notions about God, divinity, and perfected souls. He had

formerly great objection, as most of us have, to accept another man as

Guru or spiritual guide. This is because we think that the person whom

we accept as Guru might turn out to be an ordinary man full of inherent

weakness of lust and gold. But on coming in the company of Sri

Ramakrishna, Narendra understood that such great souls with complete

renunciation, selflessness, and compassion, though rare, actually are

born in the world - souls with extraordinary purity, love, and penance -

that shake the limited conception about God and God-Man existing in the

little mind and intellect of we ordinary people.


Therefore, if they are accepted as Gurus, ordinary men will be

benefited, and not harmed. Consequently Narendra was ready to accept the

Master as his Guru, but still he could not go so far as to accept

indiscriminately whatever Sri Ramakrishna said! As Swami Saradananda

writes, " A powerful mind feels strong resistance from within when, at

the time of accepting new truth, it has to change its former

convictions. Narendranath was in that predicament. Though acquainted

with the Master's wonderful power, he could not completely accept him,

and though feeling attracted, he tried to stand aloof from him. "


Naren started visiting the Master more frequently. Soon he got

acquainted with a few more sincere disciples who had already decided to

dedicate their lives at the Holy feet of Sri Ramakrishna. These meetings

with the Master were full of fun and joy, pleasure and gaiety, and there

was never even the shadow of gloom, dejection, despair, or worry. It was

always 'Ananda Mela' (mart of pleasure) at Dakshineswar. Sri Ramakrishna

used to 'teach' in simple language through parables and stories. There

was never a feeling that the Master was the Guru, but mostly all looked

upon him as their wise friend with huge spiritual knowledge borne out of

innumerable direct personal experiences.


A few of the disciples visited him daily, others at varying interval per

week. There was no restriction or compulsion on any one, but Thakur used

to emphasis about the importance of love for God, austerities, sadhana,

renunciation, continence, and purity to get the spiritual insights.


Besides these sincere 'monk like' disciples belonging to 'inner circle',

many householder devotees, sadhus, fakirs, and lay people used to visit

Kali Temple daily, and also met Sri Ramakrishna who used to live in one

of the rooms nearby. (It is worth visiting the Kali temple and

Dakshineswar, once in lifetime where as recently as 115 years back the

great child of the Mother realized Her Living presence in that 'stone



continued part 8...


c s shah


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