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It has kept me motivated...

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[i have been rather disorganised and a lot more work needs to be done on the

name. There are repetitions and not all names have the sources listed,

which is what i will work on now...But this now completes the more than 1008

names.Letting me post this on the site has kept me motivated to completing

the task, so i am glad i did do so.]


Alone does great wonders(One Who)(136)

Book contains written all the days ordained for us before they came to

be(One Whose)(139)

Brings out the wind from His storehouse(One Who)(135)

By His understanding made the heavens(One Who)(136)

Created our inmost being(One Who)(139)

Discerns our going out and our lying down(One Who)(139)

Does not keep a record of sins(One Who)(130)

Does whatever pleases Him on Heaven and earth(One Who)(135)

Eyes saw our unformed body when we were woven together in the depths of the


For Whom darkness is as light(One)(139)

For Whom even darkness is not dark (One)(139)

For Whom even the night shines like the day(One)(139)

Gives food to every creature(One Who)(136)

Grants sleep to those whom He loves(One Who)(127)

Has cut us free from the cords of the wicked(One Who)(129)

Has exalted above all things His name and His word(One Who)(138)

Hems us in behind and before(One Who)(139)

Is familiar with all our ways before a word is on our tongue(One Who)(139)

Is on high and yet looks upon the lowly(One Who)(138)

Knit us together in our mother's womb(One Who)(139)

Knowledge is too wonderful for us and too lofty for us to attain(One


Knows the proud from afar(One Who)(138)

Knows when we sit and when we rise(One Who)(139)

Laid His hand upon us(One Who)(139)

Made the great lights(One Who)(136)

Made the moon and stars govern the night(One Who)(136)

Made the sun govern the day(One Who)(136)

Makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth(One Who)(135)

Makes us bold and stout hearted(One Who)(136)

Name endures forever(One Whose)(135)

Perceives our thoughts from afar(One Who)(139)

Preserves our life though we walk in the midst of trouble(One Who)(138)

Remembered us in our low estate and freed us from our enemies (One Who)(136)

Renown endures through all generations(One Whose)(135)

Restores our fortunes (One Who) (126)

Sends lightning with the rain(One Who)(135)

Spirit is in the depths(One Whose)(139)

Spirit is on the far side of the sea(One Whose)(139)

Spirit is on the wings of dawn(One Whose)(139)

Spirit is up in the heavens(One Whose)(139)

Spread out the earth upon the waters(One Who)(136)

Stretches out His hand against the anger of our foes(One Who)(138)

Struck down and killed great and mighty kings(One Who)(136)

Swept Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea(One Who)(136)

The Mightly One of Jacob(One Who)(132)

Thoughts outnumber the grains of sand(One Whose)(139)

With Whom we are, when we awake(One)(139)



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