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[ramakrishna] Digest Number 665

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> Message: 3

> Wed, 10 Jan 2001 14:17:45 +1100

> Deepak Vinod <deepak.vinod

> Meditation


> Hare Krishna Prabhus and Matajis


> I have a questions regarding meditation and Bhakti...


> 1. Has anyone practiced meditation where they have reached Samadhi

> (Trance).



Hi Deepak! I will u from whatever i have eperienced. I didn't reach the

Samadhi state. But have experienced the effects of meditation. It removes

all hatred that is there in ones heart n fills it with love. Removes

tension. And as ones goes along the path the time requires to go in to

meditative state starts becoming very less.


I remember when after 4-5 years of meditation n sadhana when i used to

start sit down for meditation immediately i used to go in to such a

intense that meditative state that if i don't sit down to meditate at

that instant then i will have to sleep immediately to come to normal




> 2. What is the relevance of meditation to sadhaks trying to practice bhakti

> yoga?


I think it will accelerate the process. N i guess the Bhakti Groups who r

devoted to Shree Krishna too have included meditation in their path saying

that it will accelerate the process in todays world.


i remember reading something like this while going through the web sites.


> 3. Lately, I have been reading on the " Quan Yin method of meditation " .

> http://www.quanyin.com/ . This is not only about meditation but about how

> to enlighten oneself, way of life, Rights and wrongs, and the like...Please

> do have a look and comment on what you see and read.


Will go through it n will let u know what all i am abe to get.


> 4. How does one get enlightened in the process of bhakti yoga...I have a

> desire to experience samadhi, as it is said that it is an extremely

> uplifting feeling. It is a way of finding the divine within oneself, the

> aatma and the paramatma...


Dear deepak i can only tell u watever i have heard from others n have

read. And even in that i may not be fully correct.


Bhakti is said to be the path of love. Approach Lord in all love. N this

love will be so intense that one will forget everything pain, pleasure,

desires, what will remain is only love n in that love i think one will

forget onelself (Meaning that i am so n so, know such n such thing,

these r bad or good traits in me). When one forgets oneself completely its

then that one moves ahead to become enlightened. When one loves lord in

all its pureness. N wehn that love becomes very very intense. Then such a

thing happens. What will remain is only love n i guess then the

enlightment will happen. If u want to be logical. Then from here on take

the logistics to Kundalini. When one is all pure kundalini awakens n

moves towards Sahasrar. Once there one goes in to Samadhi state. But after

that kundalini should come back to one of the seven chakras so that the

person can lead a normal n simple life after knwing him or lord.




But yes i have some personal experience of very light degree. After

getting Diksha from my spiritual teacher. I thought let me chant the lords

name like in bhakti with all my heart n soul. I just tried to repeat his

name in all love. I did that n i did experienced something. The nerves

started vibrating. n i read somewhere that when ones heart gets awakened

all the nerves of ones body start vibrating or become active. U will be

able to feel it very clearly.



> 5. Does anyone think this is outrageous. I would like to know. Doesn't

> anyone want to have a look at this material world from above..

> metaphorically speaking.

> 6. What does Shree Gita mata say about this - meditation, its technique,

> samadhi, etc


> 7. Isn't identifying and knowing ones aatma in the true sense a goal of

> life. Who do we see " I " as. I dont think i am wrong when i say most people

> dont know who they really are...the sukhsma shareer and even further the

> kaaran shareer are just a word or concept to us...We theoratically know that

> there is a aatma, paramaatma and the body...all different (on aatma and

> paramatma being different, i know some may disagree..and i accept that as

> well)...has anyone practically differentiated between all these? Do we need

> to?


i think the true sense of life begins after identifying and knowing ones

atma. Coz its only after that one can enjoy life n do ones work in all

perfection. To me life means enjoy! the stay on this earth after getting

enlightened. Help fellow human beings. Do constructive things.


deepak as u will go ahead in meditation n spiritual path these things will

become clear by themselves. U will experience differnt stages. Ppl who

were on this path experienced different things n described those to ppl.


Rather i think that after reaching very exalted stages in meditation they

might have researched over these things n then would have come out with

these things in very concrete terms. Coz there r many paths to enlightment

n it may happen that some things might come on that path or one may kind

of directly focus on enlightment.


I think i have experienced Sukshma sharir in a very crude n subtle manner.


> 8. I hear a lot of people..if u visit that site above, stating that they

> have reached the state of trance or samadhi. As Hindu...i find it

> remarkable that people from diverse origins are doing this. Personally, I

> feel that why can't I do it, especially being a hindu...


Deepak anyone can do it. Even u can do it. What is required is only the

intense desire to know the truth. Then the proper means to achieve this. N to

see that ones reahces there.


I can only say that being a Hindu u must have inherit some good sanskaras

from your parents n that does help a great deal in knowing the real truth.



> Please pardon my ignorance...as i only wrote what i felt...


> Jai Shree Sita Rama

> Jai Shree Shree Radha Krishna



> Deepak


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