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Kali's Child Rebuttal-Digest # 671

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Sri Ramakrishna Charanam Saranam: Sri Sri Ma

Rev Swami Tyaganandaji and the list members,

This is with referance to the posting dated 17 January 2001 on the

scholarly thesis, painstakingly prepared by Revered Swami Tyaganandaji as

replies to Jeffrey Kripal for his dirty writings on the character of

Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna in his book of ill taste " Kali's Child.

Out of the 103 pages of the masterly thesis the Swami has prepared, 26

pages contain the main text of his arguements based on the true facts

available in print on Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna. The rest of them are

authentic notes, carefully prepared for desecting Jeffrey's mischiefs. Any

reader of this thesis can easily make out that Jeffrey was always giving his

own concorted meanings to the original Bengali words used in Kathamrita. He

did not care for the real and equivalent English words which can be found in

the Dictionaries.

I am a householder living with my wife and child. Yet, I found it

extremely difficult to go through the statements quoted from this book of of

ill-fame by Jeffrey Kripal. My heart beats heavily as if it is being banged

against solid rocks. (In fact, I had the opportunity to go through the full

text of Jeffrey's book in 1998. But after reading a few passages here and

there, I felt so nostalgic and never read further). So, I could imagine the

sentimental strain and pains the Swami underwent in trying to expose the

baselessness of most of the evils written by Jeffrey on Thakur. We, the

devotees of the Lord are indebted to the Swami forever for his risky but

heroic task of refutting one of the dirtiest tricks done against the sacred

name of our Lord.

This act of Swami Tyagananda reminds me some of the actions taken by our

heroic Spiritual Masters in the past to save the real divine aspects of

religion from the onslaught of devilish powers. When the " Karmakanda "

(ritual-bound religion) was at its zenith with full of its dirty aspects,

Sankara took it as his prime duty to install the prestine purity of Advaita

Vedanta in its real perspective. Mandana Mishra, the Acharya of Karmakanda,

was his greatest opponent then. Though Mandana was defeated in every

spiritually-related areas of wisdom, Sankara finally was challenged to

answer the questions on love-making. Just to uphold the dignity of the

Advaita Vedanta, and to save our Sanatana Dharma, Sankara the celebate monk,

had to look into the science of human bodily relationships! I can imagine

the missionary zeal of Sankara.

Swami Tyagananda has also done something similar to it in a very

different way on contemplating the dirty statements to prove it to the world

that they are nothing but false and malign in nature! Dear Swami, you

deserve hundreds of pranams from us, the lay devotees. Also, I know that

Revered Vraja Prana Mataji is also doing her best against this malignancy in

her own way. Our sincere thanks, appreciation and hundreds of pranams to her



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