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FW: Thakur Drama-2 (Scenes 9 & 10)

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Shankar [shankar]

Sunday, January 14, 2001 8:41 AM


Thakur Drama-2 (Scenes 9 & 10)



Gadai now started staging dramas on, Ramayana, Mahabharata, and his

favourite Vrindavan episode of Krishna's Life, in a mango orchard.


(Scene 9: Gadai plays the role of Radha in the mango orchard, with his

friends enacting the roles of milkmaids and cowherd boys; the scene

depicts their mental state, after the departure of Lord Krishna to Mathura)


Gadai (as Radha): (with her eyes as well as her whole body,

bent inwardly and upwardly)

(Gadai's natural feminine grace heightens

the dramatic effect)


" Ka " , Where are you?

(is unable to utter the word " Kanai " , on

account of overpowering

divine emotion)


(is moving about in many directions, and

shedding tears)


My heart is writhing in pain!


(is unable to bear the pangs of separation)


One of Gadai's friends (as a milkmaid)

(is weeping bitterly): Oh, Krishna!


I have not seen you even once today!

And, the Sun has set! The day has ended in



How can I prolong my life this way?




Gadai losing himself in singing and merrymaking, now became indifferent to


Gadai had a unique knack of imitating voices. He wanted to be born as a

woman, to Love Krishna very deeply.


In 1849, his brother, Ramkumar, went to Calcutta, to improve his financial

condition. Ramkumar then summoned Gadai to come to Calcutta, to assist him

in his priestly duties.

Gadai was then 16 years old.


(Scene 10: Gadai is performing puja for Mother Kali, in a family home in


(Gadai is decorating the image of Mother Kali, and is singing songs and

hymns on the Mother)


One family visitor for puja: Look at this young man! He is so



performing the work of the priest.


Another visitor: And, his voice is choked with divine



The first one: He surely is not one of the many


Calcutta youths!

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