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hindu ethics

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Interesting set of questions......



tom jenkins


Thursday, February 08, 2001 11:15

Hindu ethics


could you please let me have modern Hindu views on capital punishment/ medical ethics - abortion,euthanasia,cloning,genetics,transplants/

nuclear weapons?

thank you



=======Short reply from Vivekananda Centre==========================


Basis of ethics / morality in Hinduism.


Life is the 'manifestation of the divine'

Hence considered very sacred. Man is considered to be the most

transparent manifestation hence higher value given to him than other

living things.(animals etc)....


Based on this:


Capital Punishment is against Hindu teaching.

(no excuse for taking life in this cold blooded manner)


Medical Ethics

No difficulty with transplants, and any kind of surgical or medical treatments.

You can use antibiotics - kill bacteria etc. You are more important as you are

the most transparent manifestation of the divine - hence preserve yourself..

Experimenting on life animals (not acceptable) and yet if it is matter of

saving a human life against an animal life then human life is considered more valuable.



Absolutely no excuse to take life (even if it is deformed or came about by 'rape' etc)



Not acceptable. We have the 'law of karma and reincarnation' hence if you try

and opt out of a difficult situation in this life.... It will still catch up in the next life

hence have to face up to the most difficult situation (and not to take ones own life)



Nothing in the Hindu philosophy which says it is wrong.



As long as you do not experiment on live embryo etc everything is fine.

You can grow cells, grow organs, arrange for transplants from someone who has

just died. The body is external garment only and does not have the same importance

as in some of the other faiths. Hence using spare-parts from others (who have perhaps just

died) is fine.


Nuclear weapons

All scientific advances are double edged. They can be used for the

benefit of mankind or can be misused. We have to put trust in the nature of

man that he will continue to show caution but at the same time continue with

scientific research as well as technological advances...


Hope this helps a little.



Vivekananda Centre London


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