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--- Vivekananda Centre <vivekananda wrote:

> Sri Ramakrishna Charanam Saranam, Sri Sri Ma


> Dear Jay,

> Namaskar

> There is no harm in posting this letter in the list. This is a classical

> example of Thakur initiating one of His disciples just by a mere glance.

> Tulsi Maharaj's inner being (or kundalini ?) was lifted to create a sudden

> creeping sensation in his bosom. And his ordinary life was transformed into

> a life of a tireless & wonderful Missionary by just a mere glance!.


> Perhaps our Smamiji must have kept this incident of his Gurubhai Tulsi in

> his mind while composing the lines, ... " jnaananjana vimala nayana veekshane

> moha jaay... " in the famous arati song of our Order!

> Regards

> Prakash.


> ========exchange of letter with Tulsi Maharaj====


> Sri Ramakrishna Charanam Saranam, Sri Sri Ma

> Revered Maharaj,

> Please accept our humble sashtanga pranams.

> Today is the 137 birthday anniversary (Thithi puja) of Tulsi Maharaj (Swami

> Nirmalananda). On this occassion, I am enclosing below an interesting letter

> written by Tulsi Maharaj as a reply to our Madhavanandaji, the 9th President

> of the Mission and the then Editor of Prabuddha Bharata regarding his

> association with Thakur and Swamiji. Please note that He is addressing

> Madhavanandaji by his Pre-monastic name as Nirmal.

> Pranams

> Prakash


> The Lotus Feet of Sri Sri Guru Deva are my refuge

> Prabuddha Keralam Office

> Trivandrum,

> 23 Nov 1923

> My Dear Nirmal,

> Received your affectionate post card here yesterday. Very glad to know that

> you are all doing well. I came here a few days ago. As I was gradually

> becoming weaker I have thought of staying here for sometime for treatment

> under Dr. Thampi's care. It will be as the Lord Decides. From the day my

> ailment has been detected, I have restricted my diet to the best of my

> knowledge. Now my diet is being regulated under Dr Thampi's directions. This

> is the modern method, i.e., half ration, fasting etc, alongwith some

> medicine. The Sugar in the urine has been reduced to some extend. But the

> weakness is there as before. Doctor says that it will continue until blood

> sugar is perfectly normal. The disease is only arrested when the sugar is

> reduced in the urine. When the blood sugar will become normal there will be

> no longer any special ground for anxiety.


> You have asked me to write an account of how I had the good fortune to

> meet Thakur with a view to incorporating it in the new life, but about that

> I cannot find out any incident worth mentioning which you can include in the

> new book. Besides I do not remember the year, date, thithi etc. For your

> information I am stating how our first meeting took place and also one or

> two incidents subsequent to it.


> One late afternoon, about 5.30pm, when chatting with some boys of our

> quarter (Bosepara), it was suddenly noised about that a Paramahamsa had come

> to the house of Balram Babu. Many people of the neighborhood were going to

> see him. After sometime it occurred to me, " why not I go? Let me see what

> kind of Paramahamsa he is. "


> Our home was quite close to Balaram Babu's. Two minutes' walk. I threw a

> chaddar on my person and ran. Reaching the upstairs, I found that Balaram

> Babu's parlor and veranda were packed with visitors. There was hardly any

> room in the parlor. Peeping in I saw that in the centre of the room was

> placed a carpet on a small cushion and a stout pillow on it. But the

> paramahamsa was not there. The seat was vacant. I was then eighteen or

> nineteen years old. As I was young and was not acquainted with anyone, I did

> not dare to ask anybody as to where the Paramahamsa was. I, therefore, went

> to the western veranda and leaning against the wall of the room, I waited.


> Some five or seven minutes later, I saw a man coming with tottering

> steps; like one dead drunk from the inside of the house, along that very

> western veranda. He was not looking at anything, but was absorbed in

> himself, He came to where I stood, looked at me for half a minute or so and

> then slowly staggered on into the parlor. He did not exchange a single word

> with me and I stood nonplussed and forgot even to salute him. As he entered

> the room, I felt a creeping sensation within my bosom as if my whole body,

> from head to foot, became paralyzed. When this sensation awaited a little, I

> ran back to my house where after some rest I recovered.


> This was my first meeting with Sree Ramakrishna. But I did not know at

> the time that he lived at Dakshineswar and his name was Sree Ramakrishna.

> After this meeting I did not make enquiries as to who he was, where he lived

> etc. I think this incidents took place a year or little less before the

> meeting of Sri Ramakrishna with Sri Girish Babu. I never kept any diary of

> life incidents, and therefore I do not remember anything about date, month,

> year etc.


> A few days after the incidents, one day after finishing midday meal, I

> went to Hari Maharaj's house to see him. He was my friend from boyhood days,

> and his residence was close to ours. We used to meet each other often. On

> that day he said, " let us go to Dakshineswar and see Paramahamsa Deva. "


> We went to Dakshineswar by boat from Baghbazar Ghat. (Hari Maharaj,

> Gangadhar, one or two more used to visit now and then Rani Rasmani's Kali

> Temple). I thought he must be another Paramahams and he whom I saw at

> Balaram Babu's house must be a different person for I never been to Kali

> temple before. Unfortunately Paramahamsa Deva was not there that date. He

> had gone to Calcutta. I missed him. We were looking on the different

> pictures of Gods and Goddesses hanging from the wall in his room. A photo of

> his was also hanging from the wall. Suddenly my eyes fell on it and i was

> startled. On asking hari Maharaj, he said, " It is the photo of Paramahamsa

> Deva. " I replied, " I have seen Him " He asked, " where? " . " At the house of

> Balaram Babu, " I replied. " Then it allright " he said.


> Shortly after this one day I walked from my house to Dakshineswar alone.

> It was half past eleven or twelve, when I reached the Kali temple. Without

> stopping anywhere I went to Paramahamsa' Deva's room and found him taking

> his meal. I saluted him and sat on the floor before his seat. This was my

> first bowing down before him. I was so ignorant that it did not occur to me,

> that I must not salute him, while he was engaged in eating or sit by him.

> However he did not mind these breaches of etiquette.

> After finishing his meal he washed his hands and mouth, sat on a cot

> with placid face and began to smoke and chew betel leaf as also to speak

> with me smiling. At that time there was no oneelse in the room. Only the

> Holy mother waited on the northern varanda. (Then it was screened with

> bamboo thattis) to feed him and to attend on his other needs.


> After a few preliminary questions he suddenly said something curious

> which astonished me. He said, " The other day a boy resembling you came here

> and asked if I could act as his go-between " . I did not quite understand him

> and wondered why he used that slang expression. As I kept silent, he at once

> read my mind and said, " No, No, by the word go between, I mean one who

> brings about the meeting of a person with his beloved Lord. He is the Guru,

> He is everything. There is no difference between Him and God. "


> I understood that it was a hint thrown out to me at that light. After a

> while he came down from his cot placing his left hand on my shoulders as a

> mark of favour, stepped out of his room and slowly walked towards the

> Panchavati. With great tenderness he said, " Come here now and then " .


> Then my hear t was filled with joy. After reaching the Panchavati, he

> saluted the spot where he practised sadhna, and sat on a lower step. Then in

> an exalted mood he began to speak with Divine Mother. I did not understand a

> bit of that half articulated speech, I could catch the word " Mother " at

> intervals and knew that he was talking to his Mother. Shortly after he

> returned to his room from Panchavati, when I bowed before him and returned

> home.


> After this incident I used to go to kali Temple now and then - sometimes

> with hari Maharaj and sometimes alone. Besides, when he used to come to

> Balaram Babu's house I would go and meet him. When he was lying ill at

> Cossipore I used to go there also.


> On hearing one afternoon the news of his Mahasamadhi on the previous

> night, I went to the Cossipore Garden. I bowed down to his form for the last

> time and placed my head on his feet. Then I returned home from the cremation

> ground at 10pm.


> After his passing away I used to feel his want very deeply and used to

> pray to him in my heart. He was compassionate enough to grant my prayer and

> presented himself before me in another form fulfilling my heart's desire.

> This was no other than Swami Vivekananda. He is the be all and end all of my

> life. Sunnyas, renunciation, dispassion, spirituality etc, whatever I

> received is all through his grace, his grace. I used to look upon Sri

> Ramakrishna and Swamiji as one and do so still.


> When I used to visit Sri Ramakrishna I did not know Swamiji, I heard his

> name and saw him only a few times from a distance. How I had the good

> fortune to find refuge in this embodiment of love and perfect incarnation of

> grace is a long story. I shall relate it on another occasion if I get the

> opportunity. It was he who dragged me out of my home and kindly gave shelter

> at the Baranagore Math. It had come into existence only a month or two ago.


> As I have a love for you I write this incidents for your personal

> information. Do not communicate these to anyone else or incorporate them in

> the new life of Sri Ramakrishna. Omitting these details you may mention in

> general on what occasion I had the good fortune to meet the Master.


> If my health improves, I shall pay a visit to Mayavati Ashrama and

> personally relate to you what I have heard about Swamiji from his own lips.

> Thus far for the present. Please accept my sincere love and namaskar and

> convey the same to others in the Ashrama.


> Very affectionately yours,

> Nirmalananda


Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> Vivekananda Centre London

> http://www.vivekananda.co.uk






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