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For most ordinary people like us, concept of God varies from time to

time. In ancient Egypt and China and India man worshipped his

ancestors as God. There was awe, fear, and expectation involved. To

please these spirits, man constructed pyramids and caves full with

articles which the departed soul cherished.


Aryans of Vedic period in India were advanced to somewhat more degree.

They worshipped nature in all its glory and fury. Mountains and rivers,

snakes and animals were worshipped to ward off evil and seek blessings

and prosperity.


But Seers or Rishis of Vedic Upanishadic period had realization of their

own SELF that led to evolve the best and most logical - scientific

concept of God. Thus they were capable of realizing Divinity of every

being as the inner self which they termed as Atman. However, this

knowledge was very difficult for common man to obtain.


Thus came the idea of personal God. Through personification of highest

attributes, Atman was brought down to the level of Ishwara; creator,

sustainer, and destroyer of the universe. At still lower level, the same

principle was seen embodied in various idols of stone and clay, wood and

etc. The spirit was worshipped in these images.


Then great seers adored the earth when it was possible to record their

lives and teachings for the generations to come. We are talking of

Buddha, Krishna, Jesus Christ and Prophets of other religions. Their

teachings made people understand the nature of God in various ways. They

all were correct in their own way, but the unfortunate aspect was that

people forgot the truths these great men preached, and made them God in



Thus concept of God for any individual depends on what is his/her

belief. For most of us have not realized the truth of our true nature;

we can but survive on faith in this confusing world of religions and



As and when our concept about God matures and we start spiritual

practice under the guidance of a genuine Teacher, we can to some

extent conceive true nature of God.


Vedanta impresses upon every soul that he/she himself or herself is God.

Religion begins when one attempts to manifest this godliness - divinity

- within. This can be done by work or worship, psychic control or

knowledge, as Swami vivekananda says in his introduction to Raja Yoga.


Hence our duty and aim in life should be make every effort to express or

realize the divinity inherent in us. That is whole of religion.


c s shah


For E-zine on Vedanta and Science

Do Visit: http://www.neovedanta.org


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