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Ramakrishna, " Atul Jani " <shree_soft@h...> wrote:





> >Om Namah Sri Bhagavane Ramakrsnaya Namo Namah!

> >Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!

> >



> Hello,


> I think you forgot Swamiji. What Swamiji told us ?


> Faith ! Faith in your self ! Faith in God.


Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste dear ones!!!


this is exactly what Ammachi tells us...that we must first have faith

in our own Self, because if we don't have faith in our own Self, we

CANNOT have faith in any One or Thing else...even though we might

think we can...without faith in our own Self, how are we going to have

darshan of our Beloved Deity, Who is None other than our Own Self,

manifesting in the Deity we have Darshan of...without some faith in

ourself how can we have faith in the teachings and Golden Lives of the

Great Mahatmas such as Swamiji and Bhagavan Sri Ramakrsna...without

faith in our own Self, we have NOTHING......it's interesting that the

paraphrase up above mentions faith in your own self first, and faith

in God second...because without the first the second cannot come!!


it is true that Faith is also Guru Prasad though...how can we even

come to know of the Mahatmas Who are our teachers except thru Guru

Prasad...or Guru Kripa...or you could say it's the Divine Grace, the

Divine Prasad...


from my little studies of jyotish, i have become intensely aware that

the Guru only calls you when you are ready...and this can often be

seen in the charts of the aspirants...


to look at the chart of one's Guru, is very interesting...and to

compare it with one's own, seeking out the pattern of relationship is

also very interesting and rewarding...one's faith is very much

deepened thru such a Holy Science as the Sri Jyotir Vidya...there you

can actually see the traces of the Divine Mother's embroideries, or

the Scores to Her universal symphonies....you can try to understand

just what it is that She is wanting you to learn this time...and just

how connected you are with all the other devotees...like family...this

will deepen faith in your own self, and in the Guru a thousand fold,

if one was wondering at all...To see that even at birth my Guru was

marked out for me...this is truly humbling...the details are very

technical but not too technical for one who is just learning...the

relationships show up in obvious ways, the kinds of planetary

relationships, the houses (bhavas)...looking in the 9th house for

example and seeing who the lord of that is ..and then looking in the

Guru's chart...


in my case for example the Lord of the 9th house (House of the Guru

and of Dharma) is Mercury (it's Virgo)...thus we might think that

Mercury might have something to do with the Guru (if we are just

looking in a simple way)...


when i look at my Guru's chart, i see that Mercury is Amma's Jaimini

Atmakaraka (soul indicator)...appearing in Her 12th house (Virgo) with

the Parashara Atmakaraka (soul indicator)...BOTH are in Virgo in Her

12th, and MY 9th...the House of the Guru...then we look at my chart

where Mercury is in MY 12th Sagittarius...the Guru's Home or Ashram...


so these kinds of relationships can be seen quite clearly from a

devotee's chart...and when we see them it is very " satisfying " to the

monkey mind....that mind which asked the original question about why

we should pray...


That kind of mind is like Sri Hanumanji when He was a baby, and He

used to play tricks on the Rishis....after a while of this, they

decided they'd had enough and cursed Him that He wouldn't be able to

remember His strength unless someone reminded Him...sure enough He

couldn't play any tricks on them any more....but when He met Lord

Rama, and was reminded of Who He was...then for His lord He could do

Anything...even fly over the sea to Lanka...only on His Beloved Lord's



When Lord Rama asked Sri Hanumanji how He thought of Sri Rama,

Anjaneya said that in this world He looked upon Lord Rama as His

Master and Himself as the servant...in the Deva Loka however, He said

that They were Friends....and in the Absolute He found that Lord Rama

and Himself are the same!!!


this is not just old story out of ages past...it is a teaching encoded

IN a story for those who have eyes and ears to see and hear...the Lord

is actually telling us EXACTLY how to live here...and too, He, Lord

Hanumanji...the perfected mind, is telling us how the mind should be

seen and how too it should behave....as a servant of the Most

High..and in that willing service to the Divine Lord, that servant

Mind can do ANYTHING that the Lord asks...just like Sri

Hanumanji!!Lord Rama's best Friend!!!


so instead of letting mind run all over the branches of the tree

trying this and trying that, we actually have to sit ourselves down on

one of the branches, and ACTUALLY TASTE the fruit!...actually remind

mind that it is servant not master...that the Lord Who Dwells within

the Heart as one's own Self is the real master...


the same teaching can be found in the Gita, where Arjuna is happy to

have Lord Krsna for his charioteer...that means he's a willing rider

WHEREVER the Lord wants to take him....is this not Absolute Refuge,

Saranagati...utter surrender to the Lotus Feet of the Lord....until

then, mind is going to pose little trick questions just to put the

" train " off the tracks...but we can redirect our attention to the

Heart...or offer these silly thoughts to our Beloved Deity...we don't

have to go there.


In the Divine Mother's Love,

and in Her Service


as ever,

your own self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!

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